Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.

Application: Part 1 – Developing an Advocacy Campai

To prepare:

  • Select a population health issue of interest to you and identify the population affected by the issue.
  • Locate two scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.
  • Analyze the attributes of the two campaigns to determine what made them effective.
  • Reflect on a policy you could propose or suggest a change to a current policy to improve the health of the population you selected.
  • Consider how you could develop an advocacy campaign, applying the attributes identified in similar, effective campaigns.

To complete:

For the Part 1 application (approximately 3–4 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format) address the following:

  • Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.
  • Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area.
  • Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective.
  • Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:

A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution

  • Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented
  • Begin to substantiate of your proposed campaign by data and evidence.
  • Be sure to paste the rubric at the end of your paper.

My selected health issue – Mental Health/Substance Abuse

My policy is something to erase the stigma of having a mental health disorder or substance use disorder, so the general population will seek help without fear of judgement