o What special considerations do you need to take into account when going to your Practicum site?
Describe the organizational complexity of your Practicum setting
· Critique the organizational information technology infrastructure
· Identify roles within the interdisciplinary informatics team
· Analyze the role of the nurse informaticist
Practicum Experience Journal
You must submit a journal entry in the assigned week, even if you are not on site that week. If you are not on site for a week in which a journal entry is due, reflect on experiences from any of the previous weeks of this course. Place the references for each week’s entry immediately after that week’s content. Remember to use APA style when writing your journal entry and references.
Begin each journal entry on a new page. The template has a ‘new page’ command inserted before each weekly label. Be sure to delete any blank pages that appear between each week’s entry.
Practicum Experience Journal Entries (Weeks 2–3)
Journal Entries Due Week 3 (References immediately follow the content)
From Week 2:
Journal Assignment—Part 1
After reviewing the Practicum Weekly Resources and speaking with your Preceptor, record responses to the following in your Journal:
· A clearly articulated statement of your area of interest and career goals(Nurse Informatics Specialist)
· A description of what it means to be a nursing professional
o How would this influence how you dress, speak, and act?
o What special considerations do you need to take into account when going to your Practicum site?
· A description of three things you could do to increase your personal professionalism
Journal Assignment—Part 2
Note: Each week, you are responsible for locating a scholarly Journal article in the Walden Library related to your area(s) of interest. Include in your Journal the reference in proper APA format, and provide a brief summary of the article. The article from each week will serve as the genesis of the bibliography in your final Practicum course (NURS 6600), so time spent locating pertinent articles now will be beneficial. See Attached PDF Week 2 article in file area
Beckham, R., & Riedford, K. (2014). Evolution of a Graduate-Level Informatics Course for the Noninformatics Specialist Nurse. Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 10(6), 387-392. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2014.03.012
Journal Assignment—Part 3
Practicum Onsite Visits
Summarize the key activities of your visits to your Practicum site (as appropriate), including with whom you met (I met with Jeanette Jefferies and Mary Ann Dinietro who are both Nursing Informatics Specialist, April Saathoff who is the Nursing Informatics Manager and my preceptor,Nycki Bezold who is the manager of special projects, Stacy Brull who is Sr. Director Education & Research and Magnet) what you did (Attended a meeting about implementing a patient and nurse call system, assisted in staff training on how to document in their Meditech system, Assisted in a meeting on the hospital project for switching system from their current Meditech system to Epic EHR system), and what you gained from the experience ( The experience I gained …).
Journal Entries Due Week 3 (References immediately follow the content)
From Week 3:
Journal Assignment—Part 1
After examining the Practicum Weekly Resources, record responses to the following in your Journal:
· Describe systems thinking as it applies to your Practicum site.
· In what ways is the system effective? What potential issues or problems do you notice?
· Why is it important to consider systems thinking in any IT project?
Journal Assignment—Part 2
Note: Each week, you are responsible for locating a scholarly journal article in the Walden Library related to your area(s) of interest. Include in your Journal the reference in proper APA format, and provide a brief summary of the article. The article from each week will serve as the genesis of the bibliography in your final Practicum course (NURS 6600), so time spent locating pertinent articles now will be beneficial. See attached PDF on Week 3 Article in file area
Trbovich, P. (2014). Five ways to incorporate systems thinking into healthcare organizations. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 4831-36. doi:10.2345/0899-8205-48.s2.31
Journal Assignment—Part 3
Practicum Onsite Visits
Summarize the key activities of your visits to your Practicum site (as appropriate), including with whom you met, what you did, and what you gained from the experience.(Just make anything up related to the topic please).
Practicum Week 2 Resources
Murphy, J. (2011). The nursing informatics workforce: Who are they and what do they do? Nursing Economic$, 29(3), 150–153.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This article examines the various constituents that make up the nursing informatics workforce. In particular, the article highlights key positions and provides details on their duties.
Staples, S. (n.d.). Are you a nursing professional? [Blog post]. Nurse Together. Retrieved from http://www.nursetogether.com/are-you-a-nursing-professional–
The author of this article highlights the attributes of a professional nurse. The article emphasizes appearance, mutual respect, and a commitment to learning and excellence.
Hamer, S. (n.d.). Nurses and the importance of informatics. London, GB: Department of Health Informatics Directorate. Retrieved from http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/engagement/clinical/ncls/nurses/shamer
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.
In this video, Dr. Susan Hamer explains the importance of informatics in the health care field. The video also examines in detail many of the challenges of nursing informatics.
Practicum Week 3 Resources
Swanson, R. C., Cattaneo, A., Bradley, E., Chunharas, S., Atun, R., Abbas, K. M., et al. (2012). Rethinking health systems strengthening: Key systems thinking tools and strategies for transformational change. Health Policy and Planning, 27(Supplement 4), iv54–iv61. Retrieved from http://heapol.oxfordJournals.org/content/27/suppl_4/iv54.full
This article explores how systems thinking can facilitate transformational change in health care. The article describes tools and strategies that are influenced by systems thinking, and how they may be used across different contexts.
Farmer, P. (2009). On systems thinking in the delivery of health care. Reflections on Leadership for Social Change. Dartmouth University. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukRjaQwGM3E
This video presents a perspective on the necessity of systems thinking in the health care field. The video provides information on how systems thinking can improve delivery in health care around the world.
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