Aristotle and Plato conception of virtue and the soul essay assignment paper

Aristotle and Plato conception of virtue and the soul essay assignment paper
In this Aristotle and Plato conception of virtue and the soul essay assignment paper, compare and contrast Aristotle and Plato conception of virtue and the soul. The paper should primarily cover virtue and soul only insofar as it links up with their respective notion of virtue.*** PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BLOW ALSO***
This paper must include the following features:
(1) Explain the Platonic conception of virtue. a. This should include the nature of virtue and how it is acquired
(2) Explain the Aristotelian conception of moral virtue. a. This should include the nature of moral virtue and how it is acquired.
(3) How does the Platonic and Aristotelian view of virtue differ? Some questions to consider: a. How do the accounts of virtue acquisition differ? How does this relate to their broader world-views? Aristotle and Plato conception of virtue and the soul essay assignment paper
b. Aristotle differentiates moral and intellectual virtue, though Socrates does not. Why do you think this is?
c. How do the differing accounts of the soul from Plato and Aristotle relate to their conceptions of virtue?
Aristotle and Plato conception of virtue and the soul essay assignment paper
(4) Virtue continues to be an ethical and philosophical term of some importance in contemporary life. Which account do you find more relevant to your own world-view and why? a. Note, with (4), I’m not asking you to link either account of virtue to a specific moral theory (though you’re welcome to go that direction). Use whatever understanding of virtue that you have (or would like to write about), and tell me which account (Plato or Aristotle) you find more of a connection to.
Up to 4 sources if needed. Aristotle and Plato conception of virtue and the soul essay assignment paper