Personal Career Development Portfolio

Personal Career Development Portfolio

Students will create a Career Development Portfolio for themselves.  The information that is presented in the portfolio must be discussed within the context of one of the theories we have learned throughout this class.  The portfolio will include the following sections

  • Demographic information
  • 350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of your career development concerns and why they are concerns (resume development, life planning, education, etc.) and what strategies you have for skill development
  • 350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of any cultural implications you need to consider and why (value of career, privileges, barriers, generational values
  • Select 2-3 types of assessments and discuss the results and implications (include a copy of these in an appendix)
  • Select two possible career paths.  Be sure to use the resources available to discuss the specifics about the course, including: salary, work schedule, daily work tasks, career path.  Cite any resources you used.
  • Write up a 700-1750 word (or 2-5 page) summary of the information and what it means to you.  Please include specifics about what you learned, what you see you need to do, and how you will use this information going forward.  Finally, include what you might do for yourself if you were your career counselor and why.  Bring in information from what you have learned this term.  Be sure to cite your resources.

Attach any assessments or activities you talk about or completed, as well as a cover letter and resume.
Point Value: 23 Points
Description: Students will create a Career Development Portfolio for themselves. The information that is presented in the portfolio must be discussed within the context of one of the theories we have learned throughout this class. The portfolio will include the following sections • Demographic information • 350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of your career development concerns and why they are concerns (resume development, life planning, education, etc.) and what strategies you have for skill development • 350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of any cultural implications you need to consider and why (value of career, privileges, barriers, generational values • Select 2-3 types of assessments and discuss the results and implications (include a copy of these in an appendix) • Select two possible career paths. Be sure to use the resources available to discuss the specifics about the course, including: salary, work schedule, daily work tasks, career path. Cite any resources you used. • Write up a 700-1750 word (or 2-5 page) summary of the information and what it means to you. Please include specifics about what you learned, what you see you need to do, and how you will use this information going forward. Finally, include what you might do for yourself if you were your career counselor and why. Bring in information from what you have learned this term. Be sure to cite your resources. Attach any assessments or activities you talk about or completed, as well as a cover letter and resume. Point value: 23 points Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 3 Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Total Possible Score: 23.00

Include all important demographic information including: age, gender, race/ethnicity, and education.

Total: 1.80
Clearly and fully Identifies all of the information listed in the assignment.
Clearly identifies most of the information listed in the assignment. May be missing one detail.
Identifies some of the information listed in the assignment, may be missing two details.
Does not identify most of the information listed in the assignment.
Does not identify any of the information listed in the assignment.

Describes career development concerns and why they are concerns.

Total: 1.50
Describes several concerns and thoughtfully and insightfully explains why they are concerns.
Describes several concerns and with some insight explains why they are concerns.
Describes few concerns and creates an explanation with a little insight as to why they are concerns.
Describes only one concern and/or has little/no insight into why this is a concern.
Does not describe a concern or an explanation.

Select 2-3 types of assessments and discuss the results and implications.

Total: 2.00
Clearly identifies 2-3 assessments taken and thoroughly and with great insight discusses the results and implications.
Clearly identifies 2-3 assessments taken and thoughtfully discusses the results and implications.
Clearly identifies 2-3 assessments taken and discusses the results and implications.
Identifies 2-3 assessments taken and minimally discusses result and/or implications.
Does not identify any assessments and/or does not provide results and implications.

Cultural Implications

Total: 2.00
Describes several cultural implications and thoughtfully describes how they could impact career.
Describes several cultural implications and describes how they could impact career.
Describes a few cultural implications and describes how they could impact career.
Describes one cultural implication and/or minimally describes how it could impact career.
Does not discuss any cultural implications.

Selects two career paths and gives details about salary, work schedule, daily work tasks, career path course.

Total: 1.00
Identifies two career paths and gives details about all five of the listed variables or more.
Identifies two career paths and gives details about four of the listed variables.
Identifies two career paths and gives details about three of the listed variables.
Identifies one career path and gives details about the variables or identifies two career paths and gives details about one or two of the listed variables.
Does not identify any career path and no details about the paths are given.

Writes a summary of the information presented, what is means, how you will use it, and what you would do with yourself if you were a career counselor.

Total: 3.50
Provides a thorough and insightful summary of the information provided as well as a well thought out discussion of the meaning of the information, how it can be used, as well as an insightful analysis of how a career counselor would use this information with you.
Provides a thoughtful summary of the information provided as well as a well thought out discussion of the meaning of the information, how it can be used, as well as an somewhat insightful analysis of how a career counselor would use this information with you.
Provides a summary of the information provided as well as a discussion of the meaning of the information, how it can be used, as well as an analysis of how a career counselor would use this information with you.
Provides a minimal summary, that does not include everything covered in the portfolio and minimally interprets the data.  There is little discussion on how a career counselor would use this information.  OR this section has content but is incomplete.
There is no summary, no meaning presented, and no discussion about how this information would be used by a career counselor.

Attachments include two to three career assessments, a sample cover letter, and a sample resume.

Total: 2.00
Includes all required attachments.
Includes most of the required attachments; may be missing one.
Includes some of the required attachments; may be missing two.
Includes one attachment.
Does not include attachments.

Writing and Organization

Total: 4.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, flawless mechanics, and precise APA formatting.
4 – Demonstrates effective clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, proper mechanics, and correct APA formatting.
3 – Demonstrates adequate clarity and organization. The paper contains a clear thesis statement, adequate mechanics, and mostly correct APA formatting.
2 – Demonstrates some clarity and organization. The paper contains an unclear thesis statement, poor mechanics, and improper APA formatting.
1 – Lacking clarity and organization. The paper lacks a thesis statement, effective mechanics, and proper APA formatting.


Total: 4.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary critical analysis of the research materials.  The student comprehensively uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
4 – Demonstrates effective critical analysis of the research materials. The student fully uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
3 – Demonstrates adequate critical analysis of the research materials.  The student adequately uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
2 – Demonstrates some critical analysis of the research materials.  The student partially uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
1 – Lacking critical analysis of the research materials. The student fails to use varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Info–About Me!
Hello!  My fellow Classmates! My name is Yvette Lunday and I am 62  years young, smile!. I have already raised 4 sons, and am an ex-military wife who has traveled around the world. I am currently residing in the Northern part of Alabama with my youngest son,  and the rest of my sons are all grown up, and living their own personal lives with their families.  I have a job history of over 25 years-plus, working with the mentally disable and helping others in need as a; Professional School Bus driver, Family Support Worker, Substance Abuse Counselor, Residential Counselor, Private Duty, Home Health Aide, Certified Nurses Aide, and a House Manager & Supervisor. So,I decided that at the ripe age of 56 years old, it was time for; me – to – do “ME”!  So, I went back to college and I received my Associate Degree in Business Management here at Ashford University 4 years ago in 2014 and received my Bachelors Degree in July, 2016—– in Health & Human Services. I am not quite sure the exact professional field I will be in at the moment, but I do know,  that it will be pertaining to “Trouble Young Teenage Girls” and “Me” directing them in the “Right-Direction” of Life! I will be a professional Counselor or Social Worker as I continue my education here at Ashford University, and aiming towards my future goal with my “Masters Degree”  in Psychology which I am currently working on now.I should have completed by Oct. 2018 at the age of 62 years old. My motto ” It-Is-Never-Too-Late”!——————————————————————————————————————————————– Hello! My fellow Classmates! My name is Yvette Lunday and it is a pleasure to meet you all!. I am now 61 years young and pursuing my dreams and goals that I had envisioned for myself during my younger years. I started to attend college when I was fresh out of High School at the ripe young age of 18 years old. Although, after 3 months in college, I decided to drop out and marry my military husband and travel the world with him. I did not regret this once and a lifetime opportunity to travel and see the world. I have visited several Countries such as France, Spain, Holland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Bahamas, Jamacia, Grand Cayman Islands just to mention a few, smile. ————————————————————————- Hello! My Fellow Classmates! Nice to meet you! My name is Yvette and I am 61 years young, smile. I am now residing in the northern part of Alabama but originally from Up-State New York. I am a mother of four sons, who are all now grown up and gone now. Furthermore, I am a ex-military wife and a daughter of soldier, which has enabled  me to travel to many different places around the world. I have also, been working in this field of Human Services  for over 25 years now. Since, I had already raised my family, one day I decided that, it was time for me, to do me! So, I decided to come back to college at the ripe young age of 56, and have already received my AA degree back in Aug.,2014 in “Business Management”  at Ashford University, and then my BA degree in “Human Services”, which was last Oct. 2016. I am now working on my MA Degree in “Psychology” which I intend on completing by Oct. 2018 by the Grace of God!  My motto is that, “It is never too late to accomplish your goals” 🙂 Good Luck and God Bless to all of you here at the University of the Rockies.

  • Hello! Ann! The paper is good but the first 5 pages seem to be redundant. My end goal is to open up an after school program for young trouble teenage girls in the inner city to help guide them in the right direction of life. This passion was placed in my heart as a young pregnant teenager headed in the wrong direction of my life and a very nice social worker helped me to figure out which direction I should take. So, now all I want to do is “Pay-It-Forward” and give back to the community–what–it gave me–“A-WONDERFUL LIFE”!. I want to save another young-trouble-girl–like–someone—“SAVED-ME”! 🙂 My experience of traveling all around the world will also make me a “GREAT-COUNSELOR” due to the diversity of all the people that I have encounter around the world. I also loved to talk and am a “PEOPLE-PERSON” with great communication skills which comes from {Military-Life). I am very understanding to all cultures because I lived all around the world. Maybe, some of this information I just shared with you can help create a better Portfolio. So, can you please revise it/ Thank you! We have until Sunday 🙂
  • P.S. I also married outside of my race so this also helped me to understand other peoples culture and accept it. I am American& Multiracial and my husband was Latin. So, I have so much experience in diversity