PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers

PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers


It has been said that communication controls, motivates, provides release, and facilitates decision-making. What happens in an organization when communication is limited? How does downward and upward communication affect the functions mentioned above?

PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers

Power – Its Use and Misuse

TS Eliot wrote, “Half of the harm that is done in this world is caused by people who have power and want to feel important. They do not mean to do harm… they are simply absorbed in the useless struggle to think well of themselves.” (Manning & Curtis , p. 167)
Please do Exercise 8-1, p. 169. What kind of power does your supervisor commonly use, and what has been the outcome of their behavior…on the employees, on the company?.
PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers

Team Assignment 1

Please read the page “Team Assignments Approach and Overview” located in the Files section of the Course Menu for an overview of approach and requirements for Team Assignments, and the following detailed instructions for Team Assignment 1 to be started in Week 1, and completed in Week 2.
As you know, to develop leadership skills, hands-on in this course, you are being put in virtual teams of 4. With your team members, you will complete 4 team assignments, one in each of weeks 2, 3, 5, and 6. You will do this by each team member having the opportunity to be the Leader in at least one of the Team Assignments (while others take on other specific roles that week).
Objectives of Team Assignment 1 (due Week 2)

  1. To become aware of your leadership qualities, where and how they were developed, areas that need development, and how you could start developing your leadership qualities; and
  2. In order to work together virtually, you will share information with your team about how and when you are available for communication with your team, and your leadership and course goals as stated in 1) above.

Tasks and deliverables for the team assignment of Weeks 1 and 2 – to be completed in week 2:
Instructions: Team Assignment 1 requires you to

  1. Get started in Week 1 to
    1. Individually, analyze your leadership strengths, and areas to develop and improve, based on the personal Leadership development and Course goals document (LDCG) in the Files section of the Course Menu,
    2. Indicate your program, experience with online courses, day and time availability, contact information (phone, chat, e-mail address), and time zones, etc… using the Communication Preferences (CP) document in the Files section of the Course Menu. PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers
    3. Communicate and share the above information in LDCG and CP documents, with your team members, by posting in Team Discussions.
  2. Continue in Week 2 to
    1. Share the above information with each other,
    2. As a team, using the above information, plan out team roles, such as leader, motivator, communicator, facilitator, etc…, for all team members, for all 4 team assignment weeks 2, 3, 5 and 6, as suggested in Team Roles document in the Files section of the Course Menu.
    3. Collate all team members’ Leadership Development and Course goals and Communication Preferences information with Team roles, in ONE Word document. You may create a table in Word, or an Excel worksheet to represent the information on Leadership and Course Goals (LDCG) summary and Communication Preferences (CP) summary, and submit with the Team Roles information, all in ONE Word document.

    Team assignment deliverable must be submitted in three places: at the end of the Team discussions by Team Leader, in the Files section of the Course Menu by the leader, and in your own Week 2 Team Assignment area by each team member. PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers

  3. To ensure productivity by each member of your team, a Team Leader and Member Report (TLMR), available in the Files section of the Course Menu, will be completed by each member of the team and posted by each member in the Team discussions between Friday and Saturday midnight, and in their own Team Assignment area along with their Team assignment deliverable/ product by Sunday 11:59pm.If the TLMR is not posted in Team discussions and own area by Sunday 11:59pm, up to 20% points may be deducted from the full points of the Team assignment. PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers

If the TLMR is not posted in Team discussions and own area by Sunday 11:59pm, up to 20% points may be deducted from the full points of the Team assignment.


In general, for the weekly Team Assignment, marks will be given on the following basis:

  1. Quality of Team deliverable/ product: 50%
  2. Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 10%
  3. Individual Participation: 40%

For Team Assignment 1 (due Week 2), 65 points will be awarded as follows:

  1. Quality of Team deliverable/ Product: 50%. 33/65
    1. Leadership Development and Course Goals summary for all team members (LDCG for all): 10
    2. Communication Preferences summary for all team members (CP for all): 10
    3. Team roles for all for all 4 Team assignment weeks: 13
  2. Creativity in Team deliverable/product: 10%. 6/65. PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers
  3. Individual Participation in Team discussions (at least 4 times fair contribution): 40%. 26/65

Submissions Due

In addition to the individual information (LDCG and CP), to be shared in Week 1 in Team Discussions by team members (see Instructions under Task and Deliverables above), team assignment deliverable/product (LDCG summary, CP summary, and Team Roles as ONE document) must be submitted in three places: at the end of the Team discussions by the Team Leader, in the Files section of the Course Menu by the leader, and in your own areas by each team member. PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers
Team assignment deliverable / product must be submitted as one submission for grades, the same final document by each member of the team, by the end of Week 2 (Sunday 11:59pm) in your own areas.
Team Leader and Member Report (TLMR), available in the Files section of the Course Menu, must be posted by each member in the Team discussions between Friday and Saturday 11:59pm, and in their own Team Assignment area along with their Team assignment deliverable/ product. PSYC305 – Communication & Power – Its Use and Misuse Discussion Essay Assignment Papers