Identify, and briefly describe two emerging trends in the community services area, and outline the impact these trends will have on workers

Assessment 6 – CPD Assignment
Professional careers require the ongoing learning of new skills and keeping up to date with current trends and research. This may be referred to as Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In this assessment you will focus on your CPD.


Research current trends in community services using the internet, libraries, or your workplace resources. There are a number of websites below which you may also find useful.
AOD Workforce Development: Current and Emerging Issues (PowerPoint)
Australian Social Trends – Mental Health – Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Mental Health Research
The University of Melbourne – Centre for Mental Health
ACWA Australian Community Workers Association


1. Identify, and briefly describe two emerging trends in the community services area, and outline the impact these trends will have on workers. (Up to 150 words)


2. Discuss how you plan to incorporate new learning or skills to keep up to date with these two new trends. (Up to 100 words)


3. Outline two ways you can ensure you continue to work professionally within your industry code of practice over the long term. (Up to 80 words)


4. Does your employer have a legal responsibility to ensure you are kept professionally up to date? Discuss. (Up to 60 words) (Up to 60 words)


5. Do you have a legal responsibility to your employer to keep professionally up to date? Discuss (Up to 60 words)


6. Outline two ethical responsibilities you have, that rely on you being professionally up to date.


7. As a worker in the community services sector, do you have the right to join a union to protect your workplace rights and support your professional development? Discuss (Up to 60 words)


8. Outline two rights your employer can legally expect you to meet in the workplace, that may require your continuing professional development.


9. Explain what is meant by a Position Description (PD), and why a PD is considered necessary in all professional roles.


10. From the Module 6 Templates file find a Word version of the table below. Complete the table according to the instructions below:


Continuing Professional Development
  SMART goals CPD required Name of course, education, training required: including details


It is now three years into the future and you have been working in the community services sector during that time. Complete the table with the following information:


i. Four new goals that require further education or training – using the SMART goal setting principle.

ii. The professional development opportunities you will use to achieve your goals.

iii. The course, education/training you will enrol in (long or short) to achieve your CPD goals, including the name of the institution and the associated costs.


11. ‘Performance reviews should be seen as an opportunity by all workers.’ Outline the:


i. benefits of having performance reviews

ii. desired frequency of full performance reviews, and regular feedback from your supervisor/manager

iii. how you will ensure you receive performance review opportunities in your new workplaces of the future.
