NR442/444 Community Health Nursing

Refer to Course Calendar for details. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Assessment and Diagnosis
1. Student teams of three to four persons will form either by faculty assignment or self‐selection.
2. The team will conduct a community assessment that includes a windshield survey.
a. The windshield survey may include a synthesis of the findings from individual team members’
windshield survey findings.
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b. Collect a minimum of two additional elements of demographic data that provide support for
the community health nursing diagnosis. Ideas for obtaining additional demographic data
include but are not limited to the following.
i. County health rankings at
ii. Census reports at
iii. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vital signs at
3. Review the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators at‐Health‐Indicators.
a. Identify a target population and geographic area based on age, vulnerability, culture, or
chronic disease.
b. List the identified risk(s) that impose a negative impact on the health of the community of
4. List three community health needs diagnoses in the order of priority and one community wellness
a. Include
i. the population of interest; and
ii. the level of prevention.
5. Identify the community health nurse’s role in developing the intervention that will address the
priority health issue diagnoses.
6. From the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies & McEwen, page 14) that best describes the
proposed intervention, identify the following.
a. The category
b. The level of practice
i. Community, systems, or individual and/or family
7. Develop the priority health issue diagnosis supported by the assessment data, written in SMART
format (Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time‐bound components)
1. Describe the intervention in detail.
2. Identify community partners or agencies that can serve as resources (minimum of two) for
carrying out the proposed intervention.
a. Identify websites or other electronic sources that provide support for the proposed
3. Identify the specific resources found at the community partner or clinical agency that can be
utilized to carry out the proposed intervention.
4. Provide rationale for why the community partner or clinical agency is the ideal partner for the
proposed intervention.
1. Identify a minimum of three scholarly sources that provide evidence‐based support for the
2. Identify gatekeepers and key informants who will assist the community health nurse in gaining
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access to and the attention of the population of interest.
3. Detail the steps that will be taken to carry out the intervention.
Evaluation 1. Outline an evaluation plan that includes the following.
a. Short term goal(s)
b. Long term goal(s)
i. Written in SMART goal format
c. Description of the measures that will be used to evaluate the success of the intervention
d. Identification of the outcome criteria that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
e. List of the ways in which the plan allows for client involvement
f. Description of the levels of prevention for which the intervention applies
g. Explanation of the ways in which the intervention plan advances the knowledge of
members of the community and the community health nurse
1. The presentation will be no longer than 15 minutes in length, with an additional 5 minutes for
answering questions from the audience.
2. The presentation will include the following.
a. The Assessment and Diagnosis
i. Findings from the windshield survey and demographic data
ii. Description of the target population and geographic area
iii. Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator that will be addressed by the
iv. List, in order of priority, of three community health needs diagnoses and one
community wellness diagnosis
1. Including the population of interest
2. Level of prevention
v. Identification of the role of the community health nurse in the development of the
vi. From the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies & McEwen, page 14) that best
describes the proposed intervention,
1. identify the category;
2. identify the level of practice;
3. identify whether it is for community, systems, or individual and/or family.
vii. The priority health issue diagnosis supported by the assessment data, written in SMART
format (Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time‐bound components)
b. The Plan
i. Detailed description of the intervention
ii. Minimum of two community partners or agencies that can serve as resources for
carrying out the proposed intervention
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iii. Identification of websites or other electronic sources that provide support for the
proposed intervention
iv. Identification of the specific resources found at the community partner or clinical
agency that can be utilized to carry out the proposed intervention
v. Rationale for why the community partner or clinical agency is the ideal partner for the
proposed intervention
c. The Intervention
i. Identification of a minimum of three scholarly sources that provide evidence‐based
support for the intervention
ii. Identification of gatekeepers and key informants who will assist the community health
nurse in gaining access to and the attention of the population of interest
iii. Detailed steps that will be taken to carry out the intervention
d. The Evaluation
i. Short term goal(s)
ii. Long term goal(s)
1. Written in SMART goal format
iii. Description of the measures that will be used to evaluate the success of the
iv. Includes the outcome criteria that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
v. List of the ways in which the plan allows for client involvement
vi. Description of the levels of prevention for which the intervention applies
vii. Explain the ways in which the intervention plan advances the knowledge of members
of the community and the community health nurse
3. Submit reference pages in APA sixth edition format.
4. All team members must present.
5. Professionalism must be maintained by all team members throughout the presentation.