Psychology Of Trauma – A8

Psychology Of Trauma – A8
Vignette Analysis II:
This  assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of  course concepts to the persons and situations presented in the  vignette.   All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as cross-cultural issues that pertain to the  situations presented below.
Use  the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion. All  assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and written at  graduate level English. Be sure to cite your work according to APA  format. Please keep your responses focused on what is presented in the  vignette. Do not add information but use your creativity to support what  you see in the vignette as written. Avoid elaborations and assumptions.
The  course text is the primary resource for this assignment. You should be  citing the text often to support your discussion (along with the DSM-5).  Outside references should be minimal, except for culture.
Note:  Cultural  information can be found in the DSM-5. You are also encouraged to use  outside Cross Cultural sources as needed, but please reference if doing  so.  
Discussion must be 6-7 pages plus a title and reference page. 
Vignette Analysis II
Vignette Analysis II will be covering Chapters 4 through 6 in the course text and the relevant DSM-5 disorders.
Your  discussion must include the relevance of the following areas covered in  the text, directly and specifically to the persons and situations  presented in the vignette:
· Assessment issues and approaches to further explore PTSD
· Treatment goals
· Treatment phases 1, 2 and 3
Vignette Two
Anthony  is a 32-year-old American war veteran from a strong Latino family. He  came to see you because his wife told him that if he doesn’t get help,  she and the children are leaving. Anthony’s wife, Rosa, is  present for the initial interview. She tells you, “Anthony is not the  same man I married. Since he came back from serving our country, he is a  stranger. He drinks vodka and beer daily and has been  getting violent in the home. He has punched holes in the walls has  broken furniture.” She tells you that, “Anthony has always had a bit of  an anger problem because his father was a mean drunk and would beat his  wife and kids. Anthony has been nothing like his father until now. He scares me.” 
Anthony  has been accusing Rosa and their 2 children of stealing his money and  believes they are in a conspiracy to make him “go crazy”. Rosa also  tells you that Anthony has not been going to work. He believes there is  evil lurking out in the world and that he rarely leaves the house,  except to buy his alcohol. Anthony admits that he lives in terror, since  he returned from the war 5 years ago. He saw several of his buddies  killed in an explosion, suffers from debilitating migraines, has  recurring nightmares and horrific thoughts of his war experience. You  find Anthony to have good reality testing but occasionally during your  interview, he has odd and eccentric ways of explaining things. You  suspect a diagnosis of PTSD. 
Courtois, C.A. & Ford, J.D.    (2015).   Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach.   The Guilford Press.      ISBN 978-1462524600