Sociocognitive and Complexity Theory Perspectives

Prior to beginning this discussion, please read the following required articles:

  • “Language Acquisition Socialization: Sociocognitive and Complexity Theory Perspectives”
  • “The Learning Brain: Lessons for Education: A Précis”
  • “The Cultural-Historical Foundations of the Zone of Proximal Development”
  • “Self-Determination, Self-Regulation, and the Brain: Autonomy Improves Performance by Enhancing Neuroaffective Responsiveness to Self-Regulation Failure”
  • “Acquisition, Learning, or Development of Language? Skinner’s ‘Verbal Behavior’ Revisited”
  • “Linguistic variation and micro-cues in first language acquisition.”

Based on your resources this week, choose three areas of language acquisition that you found most interesting and that were unknown to you prior to this week.
In your initial post,

  • Explain the theoretical perspectives of each of these chosen areas.
  • Apply skeptical inquiry to a brief discussion about why language acquisition is an important area for scholars and educators to understand when developing learning opportunities.
  • Apply the concept of language acquisition to your own academic success. Has your own language development affected your success as a student? As an employee? How? Based on the resources and your current knowledge, do you believe you could develop areas of language acquisition, personally, that would be beneficial to you, your loved ones, or your friends?

Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length and thoroughly discuss each of the elements in the prompt