Dominant and Subordinate Group Membership

 Psychology homework help
Dominant and Subordinate Group Membership
This week you are exploring what it means to have privilege in all aspects of life, whether it be that you are able to enroll in school and take this course, or that you are able to walk, type, see, taste, or purchase/have access to groceries. Having privilege also means that you have power of some sort. Even having access to goods and services can be seen as a privilege. Discrimination can accompany power and privilege as those who have power and privilege may not be consciously aware of how they benefit from it.


First, Chapter 4 of The Ecology of Diversity (Kahn, 2015) has a “Reflections on Diversity” section near the end entitled, “Membership in Dominant and Subordinate Groups.” Follow the instructions provided in the chapter and complete the chart considering who are you are and what relationships you have with each type of group.
Second, write at least three paragraphs (300 words) addressing the following questions:

  1. How has privilege, in any/all forms, shaped your life? Consider race, socioeconomic status, education, and other associations identified in Week 1.
  2. Have you been aware of the privileges in your life as you were growing up? Why or why not?
  3. As you learn more about privilege, and as you examine your life, what do you find most interesting or surprising?
  4. How has privilege shaped your life opportunities, life chances, experiences, etc.?

Post your discussion by Day 3 of the week. Before beginning, carefully review the Writing Center’s guide Writing a Good Discussion Board Post (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Initial Post Checklist:

  • Did you use scholarly resources to support your work?
  • Did you discuss each area in the instruction and Grading Rubric?
  • Did you use APA?