How you can impact the remainder of your practicum to have the experience you really want

 Psychology homework help
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Here are the kinds of issues to address and include in the Reflective Journal/Summary. These suggestions are not exhaustive nor is each element “required”. The summary should naturally flow from your unique and idiosyncratic experience and practicum experience.
· Brief summary (numbers can be approximate) of the types of clients you have seen, tests given, populations, diagnoses, and professional experiences you have had
· Most challenging issue faced, and how did (or will) you address it, resolve it, develop it, etc.
· Most satisfying experience professionally and/or personally
· Share what “growth” you have noted in yourself as a Psychologist-In-Training over the course of this experience….
· Goals for practicum yet to be met, or future growth areas
· How you can impact the remainder of your practicum to have the experience you really want…. .
· Contributions you and your practicum site make in the area of social justice/social change…
I work with Functional Family Therapist….You can look it up on the internet