Numbers Can be Worth a Thousand Pictures: Individual Differences in Understanding Graphical and Numerical Representations of Health-Related Information

Psychology homework help
Assignment 1
Read the “Numbers Can be Worth a Thousand Pictures: Individual Differences in Understanding Graphical and Numerical Representations of Health-Related Information” article prior to answering. Informed decision making in the mental health and medical professions requires the ability to understand and effectively communicate statistical information.  For this discussion, address the following in your post:

  • Select one mental health      disorder of your choice based on a valid diagnostic category in the DSM-5.
  • Research the disorder and      locate relevant statistics obtained within the past 7 years regarding      overall prevalence, gender and age differences, and treatment options.
  • Present this information in the      discussion forum in two formats: Format 1 for individuals with high graph      literacy; Format 2: for individuals with low graphic literacy but high      numerical literacy.  Information regarding each of these two formats      is discussed in the assigned article.
  • Be sure to include your      references in your discussion post, that are formatted according to APA      style

Assignment 2
Read the articles “Applications in Social Justice Counselor Training: Classroom Without Walls” and “The Multicultural Workplace: Interactive Acculturation and Intergroup Relations” and review the APA Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations prior to considering the following scenario.
You are a psychologist in an urban community that has seen a 200% growth in its immigrant population over the past 3 years. Eighty-seven percent of this population speaks a language other than English at home. You work for a community mental health center, which is seeing an increase in referral from this population primarily because of the children’s interactions with the school system. The children typically become bilingual quickly. The parents are typically less fluent in English than their children; however, approximately 30% of the adults in this immigrant population are fluent in English and hold advanced degrees and middle- to upper- middle class jobs. The remaining 70% primarily hold jobs that do not require higher education although many do have degrees from their country of origin.
Based on the reading, evaluate research and practice aspects in this applied context and use elements from previous learning in your program to address the following:

  • What types of staffing and      training recommendations would you make for the community mental health      center?
  • How would you facilitate      intergroup work relations among staff at the community mental health      center?
  • Would you support the use of      the DSM-5 to diagnose clients with limited English proficiency?
  • How would you evaluate whether      or not your staff is competent to work with this population?
  • Explain the rationales for your      answers by providing evidence from the required readings.