Community & Public Health, Population-based

Nursing homework help
Community & Public Health, Population-based
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
Assignment Overview
Now that you have conducted a community health needs assessment and identified a priority health concern within your county, you will explore and create a portfolio of evidence-based interventions that address the community’s primary health concern and vulnerable population. You will also share information about existing programs, services and partnerships in place in your county to address the primary health concern. The assignment includes a 6-8 page scholarly paper in APA format. This is an individual assignment, based on the results of your Community Health Assessment (on your county).
Suggested Resources for Evidence-based Interventions
Begin with the CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator, Database of Interventions to identify interventions that work in four action areas—socioeconomic factors, physical environment, health behaviors, and clinical care. Review the Database of Interventions Glossary to refine your search to describe a minimum of three interventions to improve the health of your target population across various action areas and settings.
CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator: Database of Interventions
The Community Guide
Finding Answers Intervention Research (FAIR) Database
Partnership for Prevention: Action Guides to Improve Health
Suggested Resources for Existing Programs, Services and Partnerships
Contact the County Health Department, United Way agency or specific agency that serves your target population or addresses the primary health concern. Identify at least three specific programs and agencies that are working to improve the primary health condition you have identified in your Community Health Assessment.
Website or Source
Florida Department of Health
(drop down list of counties at top of home page)
United Way of Florida
(click on “find your United Way”)
Hospital Discharge Planner
Personal contact
Faith-based organizations
Personal contact
Community Health Improvement Partnership
Google “Community Health Improvement Partnership (insert county name)”
Assignment Outline (% of assignment grade)
1. Summary of Community Health Assessment (10%)
· Provide a brief summary of the primary health concern identified in the Community Health Assessment. Identify how vulnerable populations in your selected county are affected by this health concern.
2. Evidence-based Intervention Portfolio (50%)
· Research promising practices and evidence-based interventions that specifically address the community’s primary health concern, target risk factors, and target populations.
· Describe three specific evidence-based interventions, and include the following for each intervention:
· Intervention name
· Action Area(s)
· Source (include citation)
· Intervention Goal and objective
· Target Population
· Activities
· Results
· Recommendation: Your own appraisal of how well this intervention would address the primary health concern within your county (assess the “fit”).
3. Community Health Improvement Partnerships (30%)
(Hint: these questions also on this week’s Discussion Board)
· Identify at least three specific organizations, groups or agencies that offer programs or policies to improve the primary health concern (or health promotion opportunity) you have identified in your Community Health Assessment.
· Describe the activities (programs, policies) that these three organizations offer that relate to the health concern or health promotion opportunity.
· How do these organizations and individuals coordinate efforts with one another and engage community stakeholders to improve the health of their community?
· Are there any structured partnerships or coalitions established for collaboration and collective action across multiple sectors of the community?
· What is the common vision of this collective group?
· How are partners and stakeholders engaged in the CHIP process?
· How does the group measure success?
4. Writing Style and Format (10%)
· Baccalaureate level scholarly writing, applying APA format to paper, inclusion of and citations of reliable sources.