Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity

Biology homework help
1. What is homeostasis? Give a physiologic example of the negative feedback mechanism in the human body and explain the process.

2. List 4 differences between arteries and veins

3. Trace the pathway of blood through the adult human circulatory system.

4. Is it safe for a woman with blood type AB- to receive blood from a person with blood type O+ ? Explain the reason for your answer.

5. Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity

6. List 3 types of skeletons and give 2 examples of an animal for each skeleton type.

7. Discuss briefly about the characters and evolution of mammals?

8. List 4 characteristics of the tapeworm and explain how they help it adapt to its lifestyle?

9. Define molting and explain why insects have to molt?

10. Explain how the features of reptiles and amphibians help them adapt to their different environments?

11. List the 4 basic characteristics of chordates