What are two negative effects of too much acid in nature?

Biology homework help

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Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Life
Module 2.6 The pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution.
1. A solution where the water is the solvent is called a(n)       solution.
2. Label the diagram with the following terms: hydroxide ion, hydrogen ion

3. What are two negative effects of too much acid in nature?

4. Complete the pH scale with the following terms/phrases: greater H+, lower H+, H+ = OH-

5. As the pH increases the [H+] ____, and as the pH decreases the [H+] ____.
a. |_| decreases; increases
b. |_| increases; decreases
c. |_| increases; stays the same
d. |_| decreases; stays the same
6. Complete the following table regarding acids and bases:

Acids Bases
Effect on [H+] when dissolved in H2O

pH range


7. The pH in your cells is dropping. You have buffers to minimize this change in pH. Briefly explain what the buffer would do in this situation with respect to the H+ concentration in your cells.

Module 2.7 All life on earth is based on carbon.
8. The element       is essential to an organic compound.
9. What is meant by the term carbon skeleton, and how can carbon skeletons vary?

10. Is the following molecule an organic compound?

11. The oxygen atom in ethyl alcohol forms a polar covalent bond with the carbon atom. Does ethyl alcohol readily interact with water? (Hint: revisit module 2.5 if necessary)

12. Explain why the circled elements comprise functional groups.

13.       help to determine the overall properties of molecules.
14. Complete the table that describes the four classes of large biological molecules:

Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids


Module 2.8 Most biological macromolecules are polymers.
15. Much of your mass consists of large biological molecules called      .
16. What is the process by which polymers are broken into monomers?