What symptoms and exam findings would prompt you to perform a pituitary workup?

Nursing homework help
Select two of the following discussion questions for your discussion response. Indicate which questions you have chosen using the format displayed in the “Discussion Forum Sample.”
What symptoms and exam findings would prompt you to perform a pituitary workup? What laboratory and neuroimaging studies would you order and why?
A 24-year-old postpartum patient presents with vague symptoms of fatigue, weight fluctuation, brittle nails, and a lump in her throat. From an endocrine standpoint, what are your potential diagnoses based on symptoms without knowing lab findings? Include the potential workup you would attempt.
What is the difference between diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome? How do the treatment options differ as well as have similarities? What are the associated conditions that would cause either of the conditions?
at least 250 words with reference no older than 5 years and intext citation