Which product contains the most calories per serving?

Biology homework help
Unit I Homework
Nutritional Analysis
In Chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook, you learned that the body needs various macro and micronutrients in order to function properly. You also learned about cellular metabolism and what the human body uses as a fuel source. This all seems simple at first glance; however, it can be difficult to determine whether we are getting what our body needs. Even when we know what our body needs, it becomes even more difficult to make sure we are supplying our body with those needs. The car you drive probably requires gasoline in order to function properly. When you need to go somewhere, you make sure you have enough gasoline in the tank to reach your destination. If you do not, you probably stop at a gas station and fill your car’s tank with gas. You do not pour cola in the tank or jelly donuts; you put gas because that is what it needs. Why do we put cola and jelly donuts in our bodies when we do not need them? Often, it is difficult to determine what is in the foods that we eat. Sometimes it is hard to determine if the food contains the correct nutrients or processed foods that our body does not need. This lab exercise will help you learn how to read nutritional labels and determine what your body needs to function properly.
1. Analyze nutritional information based on what the body needs to function properly.
2. Calculate BMI and learn about caloric balance.
You will not need any extra materials other than your textbook and your computer (with internet access) to complete this lab.
· Type or paste all answers directly on this data sheet.
· Use the following nutritional label and answer the questions that follow. You may use your textbook as a resource when comparing the two products.
· Select Save As, and save this document using your last name and student ID as the file name.
· Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when you are finished.

Product A Product B
Serving Size 1oz 1.5oz
Servings Per Container 1 1
Calories 150 165
Saturated Fat 3g 1g
Trans Fat 0g 0g
Cholesterol 3mg 1mg
Sodium 250mg 225mg
Fiber 1g 3g
Sugars 3g 1g
Protein 1g 4g
Vitamin A 35% 30%
Calcium 15% 25%
Vitamin C 100% 100%
Vitamin D 30% 30%
Main Ingredients Milk, potato, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, processed wheat flour Water, nonfat milk, whole corn, vegetable oil, whole wheat flour, rice flour, whole oat flour

Questions 1 – 5 are short answer questions. Answer each question in the space provided. Question 6 is a short essay. Total: 40 points
1. Which product contains the most calories per serving? (6 points)
2. Which product contains the largest serving size? (6 points)
3. Which product contains the most calories per ounce? (6 points)
4. Which product contains the most nutrients that are not as healthy for the body in large amounts?
(6 points)
5. Which product is a healthier choice? (6 points)
6. Explain why you picked the product that you did in question 5. Your answer should be in paragraph format and should be at least 100 words in length. Type your answer directly below.
(10 points)