Explain why motivating employees is an elevated leader/manager concern in an increasingly outsourced and virtual business world

Motivating employees is of paramount concern for leaders and managers. Organizations seeking to implement significant changes must take into account the effects of employee motivation and morale on th

Motivating employees is of paramount concern for leaders and managers. Organizations seeking to implement significant changes must take into account the effects of employee motivation and morale on the change process.
Using the module readings and online library resources, research the importance of motivating employees.
Based on your research, address the following:

  • Explain why motivating employees is an elevated leader/manager concern in an increasingly outsourced and virtual business world.
  • Use your textbook, appropriate trade journals, and academic peer-reviewed journal articles to support your argument.

Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Note: The title page, references, and appendices are not included in the page count.

  • López-Domínguez, M., Enache, M., Sallan, J. M., & Simo, P. (2013). Transformational leadership as an antecedent of change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2147–2152. Retrieved from http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014829631300065
  • Ramlall, S. (2012). A review of employee motivation theories and their implications for employee retention within organizations. Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge, 1(1), 189–200. (ProQuest Document ID: 1270657894) http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=13200742&site=ehost-live
  • Öztürk, E. O. (2012). Contemporary motivation theories in educational psychology and language learning: An overview. The International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 33–46. Retrieved from http://www.tijoss.com/3rd%20Volume/elcin.pdf
  • Dong-Shang, C., & Kuo-Lung, S. (2007). Exploring the correspondence between total quality management and Peter Senge’s disciplines of a learning organization: A Taiwan perspective. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 18(7), 807–822. (EBSCO AN: 26655568) http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=26655568&site=ehost-live