SOCW-6060Discussions & 6443-W7-

SOCW-6060Discussions & 6443-W7-

Discussion 1: Psychodynamic Theories in Social Work Practice
When was the last time you heard a baby cry? What causes did you attribute to the baby’s behavior? Was it time for a feeding or a diaper change? Maybe the baby just desired some human contact. No matter the cause, you likely recognized the baby’s attempt to communicate a basic human need. As that baby matures, strategies for communicating these needs will evolve, based on past experiences. If those experiences are negative, the individual will adapt, causing a change in how he or she relates to others and attempts to fulfill these basic needs in the future. However, those behavioral changes might not work to fulfill the complex needs that occur later in life. What effect might these behavioral changes have on future relationships and the individual’s ability to attain basic human needs in adulthood? Psychodynamic theory encompasses several theories that focus on how individuals behave as a result of internal developmental and external social conflicts. Those conflicts arise as a result of attempting to balance the needs, drives, and emotions that motivate human behavior. How might understanding adaptations in behavior, as well as the internal and external forces contributing to your clients’ concerns and their behavior, assist you in working with your clients? How might these psychodynamic theories be consistent with social work ethics and values in practice?
For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Think about how experiences in infancy might affect future relationships and social/emotional functioning, as described by the psychodynamic theories discussed. Then, consider whether you find these theories consistent with social work ethics and values.
·       Post an explanation of how experiences in infancy might affect future relationships and social/emotional functioning as described by psychodynamic theories.
·       Then, explain whether you find these theories consistent with social work ethics and values, why or why not.
References (use 2 or more)
Bliss, S., & Rasmussen, B. (2013). Reflections on contemporary psychodynamic theory in clinical social work. Journal Of Social Work Practice, 27(3), 211–215.
McCluskey, M. (2010). Psychoanalysis and domestic violence: Exploring the application of object relations theory in social work field placement. Clinical Social Work Journal, 38(4), 435–442.
Mishna, F., Van Wert, M., & Asakura, K. (2013). The best kept secret in social work: Empirical support for contemporary psychodynamic social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice, 27(3), 289–303.
Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012). Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.
Discussion 2: Treating Sleep Disorders
During the course of treatment, a client stated that he has been unable to sleep successfully for the past year. His psychiatrist prescribed the sleep aid zolpidem. Because of the medication, he was immediately able to sleep. However, after 1 month of treatment, the client discovered euphoric episodes that occur if he resists falling asleep. The episodes induced waves of positive emotions and hallucinations, which he described as feeling “trippy.” The mental health professional recognized that the client is abusing the sleep aid. How should the mental health professional address this issue? How will this affect his current treatment plan?
For this Discussion,
Choose one of the following controversies involving special client populations and take a position:
o   Psychiatrists prescribing a potentially addictive sleep aid to adolescents
o   Psychiatrists prescribing sleep aids to clients in recovery from substance abuse
o   Psychiatrists prescribing sleep aids for conditions where the primary symptom is not insomnia
Then, conduct an Internet search or a Walden Library search for at least two peer-reviewed articles to support your position of your selected controversy.
Post an explanation of the controversy you selected. Formulate a position on the topic and support your stance with the peer-reviewed articles you found in your search.
References (use 2 or more)
Lichtblau, L. (2011). Psychopharmacology demystified. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.
Preston, J. D., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Friedman, R. A. (2006). The changing face of teenage drug abuse—The trend toward prescription drugs. New England Journal of Medicine, 354(14), 1448–1450.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2014). Brain basics: Understanding sleep. Retrieved from