Bipolar Disorder and Anticonvulsant/Mood Stabilizing Medications

Bipolar Disorder and Anticonvulsant/Mood Stabilizing Medications“Dylan was now having blackouts at frequent intervals. On more than one occasion he had been warned by his doctor that he must go on

Bipolar Disorder and Anticonvulsant/Mood Stabilizing Medications
“Dylan  was now having blackouts at frequent intervals. On more than one  occasion he had been warned by his doctor that he must go on a regime of  complete abstinence from alcohol if he was to survive…Dylan seemed  exhausted, self-preoccupied, and morbidly depressed. He went out alone,  and an hour and half later returned to announce, ‘I’ve had eighteen  straight whiskeys. I think that’s the record.’ (Shortly afterwards) he  died.”
—Quote about Welsh poet Dylan Thomas
Although each client is unique, trends emerge across cases that may result in numerous, negative, and lasting consequences (DSM-5). In the case of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, who tended to abuse alcohol during manic episodes, the lasting consequence was death.
Counselors  are aware of tendencies and respond to behaviors like impulsivity in  order tocreate treatment plans that are intended to prevent or  ameliorate symptoms before lasting consequences occur. Although  counselors should follow established protocols by attempting to have  clients act on their own behalf, they should also understand that at any  time they might need to intervene to protect and assist these clients.
Select one of the following disorders treated with anticonvulsant/mood stabilizing medications:

  1. Schizoaffective disorder
  2. Bipolar I disorder
  3. Bipolar II disorder

For  this Discussion, review the Learning Resources. Create a case study of a  client with the selected disorder. Include the client’s age, gender,  major presenting factors (including losses and symptom manifestation),  when symptoms emerged, and any other pertinent information. Consider  possible medical treatments that a psychiatrist might prescribe for the  hypothetical client and the role of the counselor in these treatment  cases. Be creative in your description, but also be as realistic as  possible. Use the DSM-5 and your other texts to construct the background story for your hypothetical client’s presentation