Course Project: Pilot Survey

Course Project: Pilot SurveyFor the past six weeks, you have been actively planning the construction of a survey containing good-fit items that efficiently tap the construct under investigation (attac

Course Project: Pilot Survey
For the past six weeks, you have been actively planning the construction of a survey containing good-fit items that efficiently tap the construct under investigation (attached). You have created items followed by appropriate response choices and ones that can be quantified as part of an objective scoring strategy. This week, you learned how to gather demographic data from a representative sample of the population of interest.
In this week’s project task, you will select and use your tryout sample to mock-pilot your survey. Your tryout sample should be a close approximation of each subsequent sample that will be used in the process of validating your survey. After creating mock data from the tryout sample, you will conduct an item analysis to evaluate each item of your survey. Accordingly, you will decide which items to retain versus those to be discarded.
Complete the following:

  • Pilot your survey as you would if using real participants. Accordingly, create mock data that would approximate what you would expect to find participants in a real-world setting.
  • Conduct item analysis using the data from your pilot study.
  • Based on this, determine which items should be retained and which ones should be discarded.
  • Justify your decisions for maintaining or eliminating specific items.

Submission Details:

  • Present your assignment in a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document.
  • Attach a Report.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.