Using the Internet, research z-scores, their usefulness, and how they are calculated.

Z-ScoresIn this assignment, you will study the usefulness of z-scores.Z-scores frighten many people at first, but once you understand them, you will find them useful and easy to calculate. They are us

In this assignment, you will study the usefulness of z-scores.
Z-scores frighten many people at first, but once you understand them, you will find them useful and easy to calculate. They are useful in many situations.
Using the Internet, research z-scores, their usefulness, and how they are calculated.
Consider the following scenario.
Samantha Reed has been working at Company X for ten years as the human resources manager. She went to school with Mark Hall, who has had the same position at Company Y for the same amount of time. The companies are of a similar size and are located in different cities, but the cities have a similar cost of living. Reed and Hall got together at a class reunion, and Reed said she made $65,000 and was satisfied with that salary. Hall said he also made $65,000 but complained and felt underpaid. The mean manager salary at Company X is $70,000 with a standard deviation of $5,000. At Company Y, the mean manager salary is $72,000 and the standard deviation is $1000.
Based on your research and the given scenario, complete the following tasks in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

  • Calculate z-scores for the employees mentioned in the two companies.
  • Answer the following questions:
    • What would Hall be earning if he made a comparable amount (that is, he had the same z-score) as Reed? Make sure you show each step of your calculations.
    • Why do we use z-scores to make these types of determinations?

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.