Assessment of developmental characteristics of adolescent behaviors.

The purpose of this assignment is to explore approaches to instruction that support adolescents’ physical, cognitive, or socioemotional growth and to understand the unique challenges adolescents fac

The purpose of this assignment is to explore approaches to instruction that support adolescents’ physical, cognitive, or socioemotional growth and to understand the unique challenges adolescents face with regards to classroom learning.
Respond to each of the following scenarios with a 500-750 word rationale. Your response to each scenario should include the following:
Assessment of developmental characteristics of adolescent behaviors.
Explanation of specific challenges the student is facing, based on developmental characteristics and behaviors.
Approaches to instruction that promotes the physical, cognitive, or socioemotional development of each student.
Opportunities to facilitate learning with the use of technology.
Scenario #1
Marco is a senior in one of your classes. He has appeared to be depressed, showing signs of sadness, self-criticism, and hopelessness. As a result, his grades have dropped. You are considering whether to use the Response to Intervention approach to provide more guided, supportive instruction to Marco.
Explain how and why you might use Response to Intervention (RTI) to support Marco’s learning in your classroom. Offer specific intervention strategies and steps you will take, including the use of technology in your response.
Scenario #2
Megan, a sophomore in one of your classes, has been struggling with substance abuse and chemical dependency for the last year. She is now on an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Tasks that involve memory and retention of information pose a challenge for her.
Explain how you might help Megan in the classroom by supporting her capacity to remember/retain information, enhance her study skills, and organize and process her thoughts.
What strategies might you use to support her learning? Explain why you selected these strategies. Include the use of a technological tool as a means of supporting her learning in your response.
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.