Define and discuss how personal, environmental, and time dimensions influence an individual's perception and the current functioning of human behavior


In this module, you learned that human behavior is multifaceted. The dimensions that make up a person were explored from a biopsychosocial perspective. You also learned about the theoretical approaches used to describe cognition and emotion and the concept of self from a human services perspective.
In this assignment, you will explore how human dimensions influence behavior, specifically focusing on the psychological dimensions, including cognition and emotion. You will consider how the use of diagnostic labels can influence the behavior of an individual seeking services as well as the behavior of others in the individual’s environment. Understanding these interpersonal and environmental influences will help you further understand the maladaptive and adaptive human behaviors.
Using your textbook, the kaplan University online library resources, and the Internet, explore these concepts and respond to the following questions:

  • Define and discuss how personal, environmental, and time dimensions influence an individual’s perception and the current functioning of human behavior. Why is understanding human behavior so important?
  • Discuss the use of diagnostic labels (for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and alcohol dependence) for mental health disorders to explain an individual’s behavior from a person-in-environment perspective. What are the positive and negative implications of using such labels? Discuss at least two positive implications and two negative implications.
  • Discuss the differences between cognition and emotion, and compare and contrast any two theories of cognition or any two theories of emotion. Which theory of emotion or cognition do you most closely align with? Why?

Submission Details:

  • By Saturday, September 2, 2017, post your responses to this Discussion Area in a minimum of 300 words. Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the kaplan University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.