Discuss the positive or negative aspects of these drug interventions or solutions.

    • Case Studies
      Beth is a normal child raised in a well-balanced home by caring parents. As a teenager, she began to experience an overwhelming fear of gaining weight and becoming fat. Her fear was unfounded because Beth’s weight was normal for her height and age. Beth began to diet and lose weight, but regardless of how much she weighed, she had a very poor self-image. Beth has become dangerously thin, but she denies the seriousness of her condition. Regardless of how much weight she loses, she feels like she needs to lose more. Beth has missed several menstrual cycles and continues to severely restrict her food intake. Her weight continues to drop. Beth’s mother and father are deeply concerned, but they do not know how to help their daughter (PsychCentral®, 2006).
      Drug Abuse
      Ron is a 33-year-old man who has been in and out of the court/jail system for the last several years. He started drinking as a teenager but his alcohol abuse began to be a serious problem in his late 20s. Ron has several DUI’s (driving under the influence) and has been arrested several times, but he seems unable to control his drinking. To his credit, he admits that he is an alcoholic. Ron has been through a variety of inpatient treatment facilities for his alcoholism, but after a brief time of sobriety, he has always relapsed back into his daily abuse of alcohol. His wife is concerned about him, but she does not know what to do for her husband.
      Tom is an engineer, he is happily married, and he is the father of three bright, healthy children. By all appearances, his life is stable and satisfying. Tom, however, suffers from continual worry that he has a difficult time turning off. His anxiety may center on anything from his perceived health problems (he has recently been to his doctor for a physical, but no health issues were discovered) to money and job responsibilities. At times his anxiety peaks to the point that it interferes with his ability to function on the job. Physical symptoms include muscle tension, headaches, and hot flashes that often accompany Tom’s anxiety. Tom often feels nauseated, and he becomes easily fatigued. When he feels anxious, Tom has difficulty concentrating, he becomes irritable, and he has difficulty falling asleep at night. All of these symptoms have been present for the last 6 months. Tom has tried to talk himself out of his anxiety, but this has not worked for him. Tom’s wife is supportive, but she does not know what to do for her husband (Hauser, 2005).
      Mary is a single mother of one child. She has had difficulty sleeping for the last month. Her lack of sleep has caused her to be fatigued during the day, which has caused significant impairment in her professional and social life. Mary has no history of mental disorders (such as depression) nor is she on any kind of prescription medication. Mary does not drink alcohol and does not take any type of street drug. Mary has been to her doctor about this problem, but he has been reluctant to give her any kind of sleep medication for her insomnia because he is concerned about her becoming overly dependant on the medication. Mary is facing yet another night with little sleep.
      Hauser, J. (2005, February 2). Anxiety: Generalized anxiety disorder. Retrieved November 21, 2006, from the PsychCentral® Web site: http://psychcentral.com/disorders/anxiety/gad.html
      PsychCentral® (2006, November 17). Anorexia nervosa: Symptoms. Retrieved November 21, 2006, from http://psychcentral.com/disorders/sx2.htm
    • Discuss the positive or negative aspects of these drug interventions or solutions.
  • Conclusion