Briefly explain the role of the anterior cingulate in audiovisual processing and the symptoms of brain injury to this area

As an alternative, you may use the Internet to find information about the Stroop test, such as a demo video or articles that describe how it works and the various results people who have taken the test have experienced.
After you have finished the two tasks listed above or conducted your own research on the Stroop test, respond to the following. Use the headings below to organize this part of your paper.
1.Based on your own experience with the Stroop test or the research you conducted about it, explain which of the two tasks above would be harder and why.
2.Briefly explain the role of the anterior cingulate in audiovisual processing and the symptoms of brain injury to this area. Use the Capella library to research the material and support your answers.
3.Discuss whether a person with dyslexia or a brain injury would have more or less trouble with this task. Comment on how someone would do on this task if he or she did not speak English. What other observations did you have?
Below are the required headings for Part A of this assessment. These should stand alone and should not be incorporated into the content of the answer:

  • Which task would be harder? Why?
• What is the role of the anterior cingulate in audiovisual processing and the symptoms of brain injury to this area? • Discuss whether a person with dyslexia or a brain injury would have more or less trouble with this task.
• How would someone do on this task if he or she did not speak English?
• Other observations.