develop an understanding of how your two concentrations can fit together to provide a unique point of view on understanding human beings and the social world


Concentrations. Five Pages
The aim is to develop an understanding of how your two concentrations can fit together to provide a unique point of view on understanding human beings and the social world. In this process you will need to do the following
First, name and chart each concentration in terms of their courses, names and numbers (levels: 1XX, 2XX, 3XX, etc). You will have five courses in each concentration. If you are not sure of the specific courses in each of your concentrations, you should meet with your Liberal Studies department advisor.
Second, look at the concentrations in turn and describe briefly the courses that constituted it. What unites and/or divides them? What are the similarities and differences between the courses within your concentrations? Detail which course provided the most interesting perspective on human endeavors, both individual and social, for you and tell us why.
Third, provide a general conception or idea for each of your concentrations in terms of their disciplinary or theoretical perspective on the activities and interests of human beings. What assumptions does it possess, how are people conceptualized by it? What are the primary ways in which the discipline represented by each of your concentrations would approach an issue to be studied?
Fourth, select one paper written for one of the classes in that concentration that you feel is particularly representative or illustrative of the perspective of the concentration, and describe the process by which you selected it and elements in the paper that represent the perspective of the concentrations
Then do the same for the second concentration.
In the final copy of your Synthesizing Essay you please include copies of the two papers that you have analyzed in Step 2
In the last stage you bring the concentrations together in a synthesis. Begin by putting your two selected papers together. What unites and/or divides them? Then compare and contrast the disciplinary or theoretical perspective. When put together what light do they shine on the activities and interests of us humans? Are the perspectives sympathetic or contradictory? When combined, describe how the synthesis provides a unique way of looking at us.
Part 1 (2 concentrations):
1. Education: EDUC 210 (Instructional technologies for Teaching and Learning), EDUC 220 (Foundations of Education), EDUC 226 (Health, Nutrition, and Safety), EDUC 257 (Psychology and Development, EDUC 358 (Nature of Learners with Special Needs)
2. Communications: COMM 210 (Communications for Teachers), COMM 240 (Popular Cultural Forms and Society), COMM 253 (Gender Relations), COMM 350 (Organizational Communication), COMM 370 (Intercultural Communications)
Part 4 (paper to reflect on) COMM370 (Intercultural Communications)
The use of high and low context cultures are a big part of communication. Both are very different from one another but effective if used with the correct person. Understanding communication is not an easy task, but when the recipient of the message understands the context then you are successful in the process you used. By understanding the person’s culture who you are trying to communicate with, knowing what way would be more effective and understanding the communication process you will be an effective communicator.
In class and reading thru the text I learned that every culture is completely different when it comes to communication. We as Americans are considered to be a relatively lower context culture. In other words, we take what the meaning in the words to understand. Asian’s on the other hand, take the meaning of the context or situation to understand. By knowing this bit of information it will help me to communicate with someone of an Asian culture more effectively.
By knowing what culture we are trying to communicate with will ultimately help us get the message across. Wording a phrase properly to the correct culture can ultimately help you communicate more effectively. For instance, in a high context culture I could say “Slow Children at Play” and people would know they need to slow down because there are children that are playing. In a low context culture people would take that same phrase and think that there are retarded (slow) children at play. By knowing what we are trying to communicate and to whom it can help us know what word phrases may or may not work with a specific culture.
Understanding the dynamics of the communication process is key to effetely get a message across to someone. By understanding the cultures background and how they operate it will help us communicate effectively. In conclusion, by understanding the person’s culture who you are trying to communicate with, knowing what way would be more effective and understanding the communication process you will be an effective communicator.