What do you like best about being your age?


Interview Assignment
Approx 4 – 5 pages(includes Title page & Reference page)
All papers are graded on writing, grammar & APA format (up to 10 points may be deducted)
Choose ONE individual from ONE of the following life stages for your interview:

  • Young Adulthood (20 to 40) – Ch 7
  • Middle Adulthood (40 to 65) – Ch 8
  • Late Adulthood (65 and older) – Ch 9 (you will receive 5 extra points if you interview someone over 80!)
    • This individual can be from your own family or a friend.
    • Remember to explain to them that this is for an assignment for class.
    • You may have to look ahead to the chapters related to the age of the individual you interview..

            During the interview, ask your selected individual the following questions:

  1. “What do you like best about being your age?”
  2. “What do you like leas t about being your age?”
  3. “What changes do you foresee in your life in the next five/ten years?” (If over 80 say “in a few years”)
  4. “What do you think are the three most important things in your life at this time?”

Assignment Format (50 points)
Title Page – see SAMPLE TITLE PAGE on moodle (same as Annotation Title page)
Introduction  (use as a heading & underline)
Include subject’s first name and age and which life stage they fall under. Write a complete physical description of this person as well as any additional background information of this person so get to know them better. Describe your relationship with this person. Include a detailed physical description of the setting/environment of your interview.