Application: Patient-Centered Technologies

Application: Patient-Centered Technologies

Question descriptionThe advent of diverse health-related technologies is providing unprecedented opportunities to assist patients in maintaining control of their health. Consider for a moment health and fitness mobile apps, talking pill bottles, and smart apartments. New patient-centered technologies are being developed every day!
For this Assignment, you will select a health-related mobile app, personal health record, smart technology, or an interactive social media site that is helping patients to better manage their health.
Note: For the purposes of this assignment, a “mobile app” is defined as a technology application that can be viewed, played, and stored on smartphone devices and tablets.
To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources,” in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics, and consider how technological innovations are transforming the ways patients’ access health-related information.
  • Reflect on the various patient-centered technologies that you or others may use, as well as those gaining attention in the media.
  • Conduct research on patient-centered technologies that assist users in managing their own health.
  • Select one technology category such as apps, personal health records, smart technologies, or interactive social media sites to further explore. Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category. How does this technology put patients in control of their health?

To complete:
Submit a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Identify the patient-centered technology that you selected, as well as the population of patients for whom this technology is designed.
  • Describe how this technology is tailored toward patient use. Specifically, explain how the features, functions, and design can help patients manage their own health.
  • Explain the risks and benefits this technology might bring to users.
  • Predict the impact this technology might have on patient health outcomes. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the Learning Resources and any additional sources.

Note: If you choose to select an interactive social media site, text- or article-based websites such as WebMD or may not be selected. For the purposes of this course, interactive social media is defined as a digital technology that allows users to manipulate, interact with, and/or engage with other users. Ensure that if you choose an interactive social media site, it adheres to this rule.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.