In what manner might culture be leveraged to encourage positive health behaviors?

Read the following articles, and, after doing so, respond to the questions that appear below in a 6+ page essay. Your responses to each of these questions should be based upon your review of these papers as well as additional scholarly materials identified in the course of your research.
Angel, J.L., & Angel, R.J. (2006). Minority group status and healthful aging: Social structure still matters.American Journal of Public Health, 96(7), 1152-1159.
Campbell, I.M. (2005). A multilevel nursing research model for health disparity reduction and cultural competency intervention. Hispanic Health International, 3(1), 3-7.

  1. What social structural factors contribute to health disparities for persons of minority group status? How might these factors be overcome?
  2. In what manner might culture be leveraged to encourage positive health behaviors?
  3. What are the implications of this paper’s observations for health science research?