Nursing Evolution

Question description
Nursing Evolution 
Instructions: Please provide a minimum of one and a half page in APA style, include your nursing experience from the fundamental class and clinical. Talk about your future goals for each nursing course and throughout the nursing program. Finally, make your own personal summary and include things that you may have to change or improve during nursing school that may help you to archive the BSN degree.
My Future Goals:
Get a mentor to coach me and guide me in my career growth.
Date of completion: April 2018
I will talk to my lecturers and all the people I know in the field to try and get a mentor or get referred to one.
Complete a professional development course in nursing in order to enhance my professional status.
Date of completion: April 2019
I will achieve this goal by first researching for the best course that will enhance my career and field of interest and I will register online for the classes and follow through.
Improve my communication skills since my career will entail dealing with people directly.
Date of completion: March 2019
I will accomplish this through intentionally getting friends to interact with and joining short communication skills courses to be completed before my graduation.
Gain a little experience in nursing before starting my career.
Date of completion: July 2019
This I will achieve by first of all volunteering in my local hospital and then making applications for internships in different hospitals.
Invest in improving my personal brand
Date of completion: June 2019
This I will do by creating my own profile and a presence on professional sites like LinkedIn, I will also join professional bodies and ensure that I get to know prominent and important people in my line of work.
-Nursing Graduation on August 30, 2019
—personal summary and include things that you may have to change or improve during nursing school that may help you to archive the BSN degree. 
improve my english,
ability to get a better ways to study