Practicum Proposal for MSN – leadership student

Practicum Proposal for MSN – leadership student

Question descriptionDescription:
This is a case study of a student who is in the last semester of her master’s in nursing in nursing leadership. In order to proceed with the practicum, she must present a “practicum proposal”. The practicum proposal is a scholarly paper that must be written in APA format with perfect grammar, as it will be presented to her professor and preceptor. The entire paper should have a tone that constantly refers to the importance of EBP in nursing leadership. Please have a title page and a reference page, and include at least 5 references that have been written within the last 5 years.
Practicum details:
Student: 30 year old female BSN/RN, finishing her master’s degree in health systems leadership.
Preceptor: COO with an MBA, MSN (nursing), and has held several nursing leadership positions.
Setting: The setting of this practicum is in the Hospice/Palliative care/Home health. The agency provides all those services.
Required sections of the paper & details:
SECTION 1 – Introduction. I finished the first paragraph of the introduction. Please complete the second paragraph of the introduction, and describe the reason why the essay is being written. Below is the first section that I completed:
The growth of the nursing profession over the last several decades can be described as impressive. The nurse’s expanding and developing role in the complex healthcare environment is awe inspiring to say the least. Nurses’ have gone from providing bedside care in the trenches of society, to clinical specialist, and now regarded as proven leaders in the board room. Due to this growth and rapid development, the nurse’s role continues to be pioneered, developed, and refined. Most recently, and most notably, nurses with advanced degrees and clinical specialties are continuously pioneering the restructuring of their role within healthcare systems. For this reason, the practical aspect of a nurse’s education continues to be essential in the process of bridging the gap between theoretical education and its implementation at the point-of-care. The practical aspect of nursing education has historically relied on the nurse-preceptor to assist the student-nurse in the processes of synthesizing the learned theoretical principles into their practice. As a result of this vital role filled by the nurse-preceptor, the preceptor-student interaction must continue to develop within the principles of Evidence Based Practice (EBP), and held to the same standards as that of theoretical nursing education.
SECTION 2- Goals of the practicum. Described the goals of the practicum. AKA what will the graduate student nursing leader learn from the practicum (paragraph 1). Goals should be written from the perspective of the student, clearly stated and relate to the practicum objective and specialty track outcomes.
Please describe at least 5 goals of the practicum in a table with the SMART goals format.
SECTION 3- Anticipated activities to meet goals should be described. (See provided information in the last section as reference point).
SECTION 4 – Describe the role of the preceptor during the practicum. Including practicum project and activities.
SECTION 5 – Describe the setting. Please infer from provided information.
SECTION 6 – Project proposal: The student in this case study is required to conduct a project. The student in this case study has been assigned by her preceptor to work with the director of the home health division of the organization. The project will be for the student to assist the director of the home health division of the organization in the process of being a nursing leader which includes all of the daily aspects of nursing leadership like budget development, managing staff, marketing, scheduling, billing, etc.
SECTION 5 – Discussion/conclusion.
Important information to use in the above relevant sections:

  • Purpose: To prepare a written description of the practicum experience.
  • write a proposal that includes: The scope of the project, goals, activities, setting and preceptor
  • Fieldwork Activities: Health Systems Leadership Track
  1. Goals should be written from the perspective of the student, clearly stated and relate to the practicum objective and specialty track outcomes.
  2. Anticipated activities to meet goals should be described.
  3. The setting should be described.
  4. The qualifications of the preceptor(s) and their title, and the role of the preceptor in assisting the student to meet the goals should be included.
  • Observe nursing leadership council meeting
  • Participate in strategic planning
  • Observe hospital leadership meeting

Governance/Resource Management

  • Observe a nursing council meeting
  • Observe meetings related to staffing/staff budget issues
  • Observe hiring interview
  • Observe transfer interview
  • Work with nurse recruiter on issues of recruitment/retention


  • Observe budget/productivity meeting
  • Reconcile a budget
  • Meet with fiscal management department


  • Conduct a one hour presentation on information from HSL courses to a group of nurses
  • Analyze data for trends and determine potential actions
  • Follow a staff driven issue to its completion
  • Spend one day with 3 of these departments:
  • Risk Management
  • Case Management
  • Infection Control
  • Budget Officer
  • Nursing Education
  • Human Resources
  • Decision Support
  • Information Management
  • Key Interdisciplinary Departments (i.e. Pharmacy, Radiology, etc.)