Write a 3–5-page, 2-part reflection addressing the topics of intelligence testing and careers in and applications of biological psychology. Base your reflections on your own experiences and your readings of scholarly sources on the topics.
One way of measuring intelligence is by taking an intelligence test, such as an IQ test. The most popular IQ test is given through Mensa; however, there are many different intelligence tests given in other contexts, such as the SAT, ACT, and GRE, among others.
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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Use information technology and tools to identify information in the domain of biological psychology. ▪ Analyze the results of an intelligence test.
  • Competency 4: Assess the important theories, paradigms, research findings, and conclusions in biological psychology.▪ Analyze the benefits of learning about biological psychology. ▪ Analyze the practical applications of biological psychology.
  • Competency 5: Apply knowledge of theory and research in the study of biological psychology to inform personal behavior and values, understand social policy, and develop professional goals and plans.▪ Discuss how results can be influenced by the ability of the individual taking the test.
  • Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
    • ▪  Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of apsychology professional.
    • ▪  Use APA style and format.Context
      Intelligence is the ability to reason, to understand, and to profit from experience. The Assessment 5 Context document contains additional information about the following topics:
      • Intelligence Quotient (IQ). • Lumpers or Splitters.
      • IQ Correlations.
      • Unanswered Questions.
      • Current Trends. • Consciousness. • Pain.
      Questions To Consider
      To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
      • If you were going to design your own IQ test, what types of questions would you place on it? What would you have someone do? Are any of the tasks culturally biased? If so, how would different cultural groups respond to the question?
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• Since what is considered a skill and talent can be very culturally and perceptually based, does it stands to reason that intelligence is the same? How can the biases and perceptions of the test’s creator influence the outcome of the test? Does this influence our society as a whole, since this will become the determining factor of what is considered intelligent?
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.
Capella Resources
Click the links provided to view the following resources:
• Assessment 5 Context . Show More
Library Resources
The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:
• Koch, C., & Greenfield, S. (2007). How does consciousness happen? Scientific American , 297 (4), 76–83. Course Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the PSYC-FP4310 – Biological Psychology Library Guide to help direct your research.
Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
• Mensa International . (2014). Retrieved from
▪ You may wish to explore the Mensa Web site and take the intelligence quiz.
Bookstore Resources
The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Unless noted otherwise, these materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore . When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.
• Garrett, B. (2015). Brain & behavior: An introduction to biological psychology (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • ▪  Chapter 13, “Intelligence and Cognitive Functioning,” reviews some of the problems with defining andmeasuring intelligence.
    ▪  Chapter 11, “The Body Sense and Movement,” explores how several brain structures work together to producemovement.
  • ▪  Chapter 15, “Sleep and Consciousness,” reviews sleep disorders and what causes them.Assessment Instructions