Have you noticed that your toddler is having more tantrums?

1. Respond to classmate by extending their thoughts on how we can help children develop autonomy.
Have you noticed that your toddler is having more tantrums? Have you wondered why this is happening? Maybe you feel as if it is a result of something that you have done. Maybe you think that they are trying to be independent and express themselves. Whatever the cause it can be very frustrating. Having a good understanding of what tantrums are, why they are happening, and how to help put a stop to them, can be beneficial to both the parents and the child(s).
Maybe you have heard of Erikson’s stages of development. The one that I will be discussing in this letter is the Autonomy versus shame and doubt stage. “During this stage, caregivers need to find an appropriate goodness-of-fit between adult expectations (e.g., neatness, schedules, obedience to rules) and what the toddler isdevelopmentally capable of doing. Firm, pleasant control—without a sense of shame—and calm, acceptinghandling of conflicts can increase toddler autonomy. Caregivers should not focus on the toddler’s temporaryfailures; rather, support should be given to help the toddler achieve developmental tasks. This sensitive yetfirm support of the child’s struggle for autonomy increases a sense of secure attachment because it builds abond between the child and the caregiver as the caregiver responds to the child’s unique needs, providesfeedback to the child’s behavior, interprets his or her signals, and plays affectionately with him or her” (Wardle, 2013).
There are many characteristics of a tantrum, that I am sure that you already know. However, there may be some that you haven’t realized yet. So what exactly is a tantrum defined as? According to the article, Kicking and Screaming: Is It Really A Tantrum?!?, “A temper tantrum is an uncontrollable release of anger, lasting longer than a few minutes. Screaming, throwing, yelling, hitting, crying, biting, and head-banging are all hallmarks of tantrum behavior. Understanding why young children are prone to fierce and powerful emotional outbursts can help parents respond effectively with compassion and empathy. So what are some of the characteristics that we were talking about before?
Age: Sometime between 12-18 months old children start having intense emotional outbursts typically known as “tantrums.” Some children may only exhibit mild tantrums, some do not have them until closer to age three, and a few children will never have outward tantrums at all.
Intense: All healthy children (and adults) will occasionally cry, become angry, and exhibit brief emotional outbursts as a normal part of living. However, tantrums are intensely loud and physical, and of long duration – sometimes lasting as long as 20-30 minutes.
Inevitable: During a tantrum, children really do “lose it” – they are no longer rational or in control of their actions. Although tantrums can sometimes be avoided or prevented, once it begins, a tantrum generally cannot be stopped until the rage and frustration are fully released by the child.
Normal: Temper tantrums can be frustrating for a parent, but they are a normal part of development for toddlers as they learn to cope with the ‘big feelings’ of frustration and anger.
Diverse: A child’s personality and temperament are factors determining how often and how intense their tantrums become. Children who have more expressive tantrums may be more challenging for parents to deal with, but frequent tantrums are not necessarily indicative of anything more than a lively personality.
Now that we have an understanding of what the definition of a tantrum is and the characteristcs of said tantrum, how can we tackle this problem as a group? A great article to read for tantrums and how to help prevent them is, Temper Tantrum From KidsHealth. According to the article, “Tantrums should be handled differently depending on why your child is upset. Sometimes, you may need to provide comfort. Other times, its best to ignore an outburst and distract your child with a new activity. If your child is tired or hungry, it’s time for a nap or a snack. If a tantrum happens after your child is refused something, stay calm and don’t give a lot of explanations for why your child can’t have what he wants. Try to find something he can have. Move on to another activity with your child” (Temper Tantrum, 2018).
I hope with this letter that you have a better understanding of what tantrums are, why they happen, how they can be prevented, and how to help your child through them. Although the are frustrating, as long as we work together, we can help control them better! If you have an questions or concerns, please feel free to ask them! I will be more than glad to help answer whatever questions you may have. Below I have a list of great articles that I found online that may be helpful to you.