How many nucleotides are described in this deposited sequence


Glucagon cDNA (Points: 10)   Go to the NCBI database and find the cDNA for human glucagon. Access code NM_002054. (keep the page open as there will be several questions).How many nucleotides are described in this deposited sequence. 1. 1293 2. 1294 3. 1295 4. 2054 javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,0)Save Answer  2. glucagon introns (Points: 10)   How many introns are reported for human glucagon?(access cod NM_002054.4) 1. none 2. one 3. five 4. six javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,1)Save Answer  3.

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Glucagon cDNA (Points: 10)   Go to the NCBI database and find the cDNA for human glucagon. Access code NM_002054. (keep the page open as there will be several questions).How many nucleotides are described in this deposited sequence. 1. 1293 2. 1294 3. 1295 4. 2054 javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,0)Save Answer  2. glucagon introns (Points: 10)   How many introns are reported for human glucagon?(access cod NM_002054.4) 1. none 2. one 3. five 4. six javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,1)Save Answer  3. Glucagon exon 1 (Points: 10)   How many amino acids are coded by exon 1 ? 1. none 2. 3 3. 12 4. 24 javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,2)Save Answer  4. glucagon homology (Points: 10)   In which animal is the glucagon sequence 84% similar to human 1. Dog 2. Guinea Pig 3. Chimpanzee 4. Degu javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,3)Save Answer  5. Size of intron 1 (Points: 10)   What is the size (in nucleotides) of the first intron. Hint: you will not get the answer from this page but you may be able to find it in NC_000002.11 1. 247 2. 3298 3. 2971 4. 3318 javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,4)Save Answer  6. Alignment (Points: 10)   Align the glucagon sequences for human, cow (NM_173916.3) and chicken(Y07539.1).Find the conserved region that includes SRRAQDFVQWLM. Immediately after this what is asparagine substituted for in the chicken? 1. glutamate 2. serine 3. glycine 4. proline javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,5)Save Answer  7. genome size (Points: 10)   Which of the following animals has the largest genome size 1. zebrafish 2. drosophila 3. duckweed 4. c. elegans javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,6)Save Answer  8. amino acid classes (Points: 10)   Which of these amino acids can be classified in the same class 1. Gly, Arg, Lys 2. Glu, Asp, Val  3. Gly, Ala, Ile 4. Pro, Glu, Met javascript:saveAnswer(‘saveResponse.dowebct’,7)Save Answer  9. Histones (Points: 10)   How many polypeptides assemble…