What brain structures and circuits are known to be particularly important for human memory?
- What brain structures and circuits are known to be particularly important for human memory? Please discuss the evidence linking the hippocampus with an involvement in cognitive mapping and spatial memory.
- Compare and contrast Broca’s aphasia with Wernicke’s aphasia. What cortical regions need to be damaged to produce these types of aphasia, and what do they tell us about the brain mechanisms underlying language?
- What are the differences and similarities in the action of cocaine and heroin on the brains reward systems? Do all addictive drugs work by causing the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens? In what ways have learning and conditioning been shown to be important determinants of drug tolerance?
- “Brain scanning technology is providing new insights into our understanding of the brain.” Explain how CAT, MRI, PET and fMRI scanning works, and some of the ways in which this technology has been used to justify the above statement. Please provide an example to support your answer
- In what ways has the abnormal formation and deposition of amyloid been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease? How can cognitive reserve be built up? What evidence shows that this can have beneficial effects for maintaining mental functioning later in life?