Describe why or why not each of the sociologists contributions are relevant in our modern world

SOC101h: Week 1 Assignment Page 1 `

Worksheet: Contributions to Sociology

People have always been curious about sociological matters. How we get along with others, what we do for a living, and whom we select as our leaders are all issues that affect our everyday life. Many people contributed to the development of Sociology. Beginning in the 19th century, European theorists made pioneering contributions to the field that lead to contributions and sociological study in the 20th century.

For the assignment this week, identify one of the early thinkers of sociology, one of the 20th century thinkers, and summarize what each contributed. Is their research and contribution to the field of sociology relevant to the world today, why or why not?

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks: · Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment. · To complete this assignment: · Identify a 19th century sociological pioneer, a 20th century sociologist, and review their contributions to this field of study. · In a 350-word narrative: · Write a description of what each person contributed to the field of sociology. · Describe why or why not each of the sociologists’ contributions is relevant in our modern world. · Use Safe Assign to check your written draft against unintended plagiarism. · Ensure that your responses are free of spelling and grammatical errors. · Use the proper naming convention when saving your assignment: · SOC101h_wk1_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy · Submit your assignment for grading. Grading:
Gradable items in assignment Points Possible Points Earned
Identify and summarize the developments of an early thinker and twentieth century thinker in the field of sociology. 5
Describe the contributions of each sociologist. 15
Explain whether their contributions are relevant today. Why or Why Not? 15
Responses are free of spelling and grammatical errors. 5
Total Points 40
Assignment Worksheet: · In a 350-word narrative: · Write a description of what each person contributed to the field of sociology. · Describe why or why not each of the sociologists contributions are relevant in our modern world · Ensure that your narrative is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Narrative [Enter your text here.] ]]>