what steps should informaticists take to ensure the system will address the needs of their health care setting?

you consider how hardware, software, and human factors can impact the implementation of an informatics system. To prepare: · Review Chapter 30, “The Role of Technology in the Medication-Use Process,” in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics. When examining computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE) systems and bar code-enabled technologies, what hardware, software, and human factors did the authors identify? · Consider how each of these factors can negatively impact patient safety and quality of care. · How might these factors translate to the usability, implementation, and outcomes of other informatics technologies? · Review the media presentation Selecting New Technologies in this week’s Learning Resources. How did presenter Dr. Patricia Button take the above factors into consideration when selecting an informatics technology for her health care setting? · When planning and selecting a new informatics system, what steps should informaticists take to ensure the system will address the needs of their health care setting? In addition, how can informatics leaders encourage all nurses to commit to using a new technology? To complete: Submit a 4- to 5-page paper that addresses each part of this Assignment: · Part 1: Design Considerations Identify two (2) major design considerations associated with each of the following: hardware, software, human factors. (6 considerations in total). Describe why informaticists should play close attention to each of these 6 considerations when evaluating an informatics technology. In your description, include the potential dangers each of these pose to patient safety and quality of care. · Part 2: Employee Workarounds Even with a carefully thought out design and implementation, nurses and other health care employees may adopt workarounds. With this reality in mind: What benefits and/or consequences do you associate with workarounds? When selecting an informatics technology, would you opt to purchase a system that mitigates the opportunity for workarounds; or do you believe that workarounds are sometimes necessary? Justify your response. Note: Your responses should focus on informatics technologies in general, not just bar code scanners as portrayed in the scenario. You may, however, use specific examples such as bar code scanners and other informatics technologies to justify your responses. ***Important: APA Style, 4 to 5 pages of information, Reference apart.]]>