In general what conditions must exist for a right of self -defense under international law for a state to intervene in another state against non-state groups? Specifically, do states have a legal right to intervene in Syria against ISIS/ISIL?

In general what conditions must exist for a right of self -defense under international law for a state to intervene in another state against non-state groups? Specifically, do states have a legal right to intervene in Syria against ISIS/ISIL?

Assignment and Directions: Please raise and address an international legal question related to the situation in Syria. Possible questions include:

In general what conditions must exist for a right of self -defense under international law for a state to intervene in another state against non-state groups? Specifically, do states have a legal right to intervene in Syria against ISIS/ISIL?
In general, what are the international legal responsibilities of states toward asylum seekers and refugees? Specifically, what responsibilities do states such as Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan have toward Syrian asylum seekers? Or, specifically do the states of Europe have any responsibility toward Syrians after asylum seekers arrive in states such as Greece, Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon?
In general, what are the laws of war? Specifically have members of the Syrian (ISIS) government or militaries committed a war crime? (One might wish to examine the prohibition on the use of chemical weapons as well as the treatment of POWs).
In general what actions are illegal as crimes against humanity? Specifically has the Syrian (ISIS) government committed crimes against humanity?


smilesmile. .


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