submit a paper on the topic Legislation Discussion on Great Barrier Reef Marine Part Act 1975.
Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Legislation Discussion on Great Barrier Reef Marine Part Act 1975. The ‘Great Barrier Reef Marine Part Act 1975’ was enacted by the Australian government in year 1975. Acts prohibited on the reef were defined, and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) was created by it. To provide long-term conservation and protection of the heritage values, biodiversity and environment of the Great Barrier Reef Region was the main objective of this act. This act deals directly with the development, care, control and establishment of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The powers and functions of the administration of the Act, a Consultative Committee, and the three-person Marine Park Authority were defined and established by this act.
Following the main objective, the other objectives of this act are to provide assistance in meeting international responsibilities of Australia in relation to the protection of world heritage and to the environment. This particular objective is especially based on responsibilities of Australia under the World Heritage Convention (White, 2007). .The second objective is to encourage engagement in the management and protection of the Great Barrier Reef Region by interested groups and persons, involving industry, indigenous persons, local governments, business, communities and Queensland governments.
The third objective is to allow ecologically sustainable use of the Great Barrier Reef Region for purposes of research in relation to the cultural, economic, social, natural value and systems of the Great Barrier Reef Region and public education about the Region and appreciation and public enjoyment. This paper will critically reflect upon the ‘Great Barrier Reef Marine Part Act 1975’. .
A range of .legislations, regulations and plans guide the work for protecting the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. .Among those regulations and legislation, the primary act related to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975.