EBP Guideline Related to Physiologic/Sensory Issues and Long-Term Care

Please provide a resource to each question.

Question 1

Before posting to the discussion board, locate one Clinical Best Practice Guideline or recent research article (within the past five years) related to a physiologic or sensory issue among the elderly that aligns with your practice area or an area of interest.

Then address the following:

·       Entitle your discussion post with the title of the article/guideline.

·       Provide a rationale for why you’ve chosen this article/guideline and state how you intend to use it in practice in one paragraph.

·       Apply one of the Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for the Nursing Care of Older Adults that fit the article/guideline and state your rationale for using it. (Located in Appendix 2.A on page 30 of the textbook)

·       Attach the full research article or EBP guideline as a document in the discussion board so that other students can read it and respond more effectively.


Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for the Nursing Care of Older Adults in attachment


Question 2


Cohen (as cited in Butts & Rich, 2020) said elders often focus all of their energy toward avoiding “the ultimate defeat, which is not death but institutionalization and which is regarded as living death.” What effect does institutionalization in long-term care have on a client’s self-esteem, feelings of loss, roles and relationships? How can nurses assist clients with these?