Privacy and Security in Health Information


Your office phone rings, and the caller, Jane Malone, is an instructor at the Community College just across the way from LiveWell Health Center, where you are a Supervisor in Health Information and Release of Information. Jane teaches in the accredited HIT programs at the college. Ms. Malone is seeking guest speakers for her upcoming, scheduled courses and specifically wants an experienced HIM professional who can cover Chapter seven in the course text: Release of Information Process Management. You check your calendar and agree to present on this topic next semester at the Community College and decide to create a digital resource for the students.



You will need to create a digital resource that:

  • Reviews variations in ROI processes in at least three healthcare settings: Hospital, Physician Office, and Behavioral Health.
  • Evaluates processes in healthcare that manage access to and disclosure of Protected Health Information.
  • Differentiates three valid authorizations for disclosure of PHI, including patient authorization, subpoena duces tecum, and release of information for continuing care; that highlights the differences and the similarities of the three.
  • Interprets regulations that govern the release of protected health information by detailing three primary aspects of the privacy law.

Selects format for digital resource: brochure, infographic, or presentation




Provide Resources in APA 7