Assessing Information
Using Research & Evidence:
ReMoved (Video Length: 36 minutes)
Matanick, N. & Cruz, T. (Directors), Matanick, C. (Writer). (2013). Removed [Film]. USA: Heschle Video Production.
Watch (2 parts) at
Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2013). How the child welfare system works. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. Retrieved from
Using the tips for identifying credible sources of information described in the reading titled Using Research & Evidence, assess the information about child welfare provided in this week’s readings and videos. What is the best use of each of the four types of information presented? What are the limitations to each type of information? What does each teach you about the child welfare system? What more do you want to know?
Must read the documents attached to answer the questions.