Nursing Ethics principle of Justice

Topic: Ethics in Nursing

Write about the Ethical principle of Justice in the scenario presented in the question
Refer to the ANA code of ethics and use that to substantiate the reasoning for your argument
3 Pages

Nursing Class: Case Study – Nursing Ethics principle of Justice

ED ETHICAL LOG Criteria: Select and analyze an ethical clinical incident of interest. Format the log as follows:
Part 1 – description of event (3 points).
Part 2 – thought processes during incident. Recall: What were you thinking? What did you think afterwards? (3 points).
Part 3 – supportive evidence citing the ANA Code of Ethics for Nursing. Include the moral principle involved in the situation, i.e. justice, autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, fidelity, or veracity in your analysis. How was the code breached or maintained in the particular situation you are describing? (4 points).
Part 4 – evaluation of your thought process after the event. Is your thought process supported by the ANA Code of Ethics for Nursing? Your thought process may not have been accurate, which is OK, as long as this is documented in the entry with identification of corrected thought processes. Make recommendations for future practice (4 points).
References and citations should be in APA format with reference listed at end of text (1 point). The logs are confidential.
A woman brought in to resuscitation was weak and had slurred speech. It was suspected that she had a seizure and in post-ictal state. She was brought in for CT scan. There was another patient already on the CT scan table but she was told she will be excused because the resus patient takes priority According to justice in the nursing code all patient should be given equal right. As long as they both require to get the same service