Online Career Counseling

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Online Career Counseling

Spend time researching online career counseling websites.  Create an annotated list of five (5) websites that you found.
Then, write up a 500-800 word summary of your findings.  Include your reactions to your findings.
Point Value: 8 Points

Assignment Rubric

Description: Spend time researching online career counseling websites. Create an annotated list of five (5) websites that you found. Then, write up a 500-800 word summary of your findings. Include your reactions to your findings. Point value: 8 points Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 2, 3 Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 5
Total Possible Score: 8.00

Referenced 5 different career counseling websites

Total: 1.60
Correctly referenced in APA format 5 or more career counseling websites.
Referenced in APA format 4 career counseling websites or had minor APA errors in the referencing of 5 career websites.
Referenced in APA format 3 career counseling websites or had major APA errors in the referencing of 5 career websites.
Referenced 2 career counseling websites with numerous errors in APA formatting.
Referenced 1 or fewer counseling websites.

Created an annotation of each site, that includes a descriptive and evaluative paragraph.

Total: 1.60
Thoughtfully discusses an explanation of the career counseling websites’ contents and evaluates the website.
Thoughtfully discusses an explanation of the career counseling websites’ contents and only evaluates some sites positively.
Discusses an explanation of the career counseling websites’ contents and only evaluates most of the sites positively
Minimally discusses the contents of the career counseling websites and does not evaluate the sites.
Does not complete an annotation for the websites.

Included a summary of the findings and what was learned from the assignment.

Total: 1.60
Writes a detailed summary of findings and thoroughly ties what is learned from the websites into the course outcomes.
Writes a detailed summary of findings and ties what is learned from the websites into the course outcomes.
Writes a summary of the findings and discusses what they learned from the assignment.
Writes minimal about a summary of the findings and/or does not address what is learned from the assignment.
Does not include a summery and does not discuss what was learned from the assignment.

Writing and Organization

Total: 1.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, flawless mechanics, and precise APA formatting.
4 – Demonstrates effective clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, proper mechanics, and correct APA formatting.
3 – Demonstrates adequate clarity and organization. The paper contains a clear thesis statement, adequate mechanics, and mostly correct APA formatting.
2 – Demonstrates some clarity and organization. The paper contains an unclear thesis statement, poor mechanics, and improper APA formatting.
1 – Lacking clarity and organization. The paper lacks a thesis statement, effective mechanics, and proper APA formatting.


Total: 1.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary critical analysis of the research materials.  The student comprehensively uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
4 – Demonstrates effective critical analysis of the research materials. The student fully uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
3 – Demonstrates adequate critical analysis of the research materials.  The student adequately uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
2 – Demonstrates some critical analysis of the research materials.  The student partially uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
1 – Lacking critical analysis of the research materials. The student fails to use varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.