Discuss vertical zonation in the marine environment

Biology homework help

Here are the assigned discussion questions for Week 6:
1) Discuss vertical zonation in the marine environment
2) Discuss some adaptations organisms in the open ocean use to avoid predation
3) Discuss the classification of plankton by each of these factors:
a) Size
b) Mode of nutrition
c) Life history
d) Taxonomic category
4) What is the bacterial loop, and why is it important in the open ocean?
5) Explain the relationship between pressure and ocean depth
6) Discuss some adaptations of deep-sea organisms to high pressure
7) Discuss some adaptations of deep-sea organisms to low temperatures
8) Discuss some adaptations of deep-sea organisms to lack of food
9) Discuss the adaptive value of bioluminescence for deep-sea organisms
Using this week’s assigned readings (and maybe an occasional peak at Google) you should be able to find the answers to your assigned discussion question. You must write one original post for your own assigned discussion question and two replies two other students’ posts. Each post should be at least 100 words in length. For full credit, link to a webpage that pertains to the subject. Have fun!