Identify at least three (3) such factors/theories

Biology help 2

  1. Project 1: You are working as a criminal justice research specialist in a local television production company. The managing director has an assignment for you. The company will be producing a documentary on the root causes of specific crimes that occurs in low-income, “inner-city” neighborhoods. The focused crimes are personal assault, robbery, burglary, and theft. While race and ethnicity are not factors, there may be other identifiable factors or theories that motivate or predict a personal propensity to criminal behavior.  Your assignment is to:
    1.  Identify at least three (3) such factors/theories and,

    2. Compare each with the other two (2) determining which is the most likely to be the primary contributor to criminal activity.

    1. Theory 1, compared to  2 and 3
    2. Theory 2, compared to  1 and 3
    3. Theory 3, compared to  1 and 2
  2. Collectively, these comparisons must be supported by at least three (3) cited sources from the course instructional materials or outside scholarly sources.
    (Note:  “Scholarly” sources include articles from professional journals – See UMUC Library database—and other professional publications, textbooks, professional association sponsored websites, etc. Not included are blogs, commercial websites and/or anything from Wikipedia.)

1. A minimum of 2,000 and maximum of 2,500 words, not including cover page and references page.
2. The cover page should include the name and number of the course, the name of the student, title of the project and the date of submission.
3. The narrative composition is to be 12 pt. font, double spacing, with 1 inch margins.
4. Resources, including course materials, must be cited both in the narrative where appropriate and on a separate references page, using APA citation rules. (Note: APA format for materials collected from the Internet is required; the url address alone is unacceptable.)
5. At the instructor’s discretion, this project may be submitted to Turnitin or other service for verification of originality.
1. A minimum of 2,500 words, not including cover page and references page
2. The cover page should include the name and number of the course, the name of the student, title of the project and the date of submission.
3. The narrative composition is to be 12 pt. font, double spacing, with 1 inch margins
4. Resources, including course materials, must be cited both in the narrative where appropriate and on a separate references page, using APA citation rules. (Note: APA format for materials collected from the Internet is required; the url address alone is unacceptable.)
5. At the instructor’s discretion, this project may be submitted to Turnitin or other service for verification of originality