PSY102 Week 7 Capstone Project

PSY102 Week 7 Capstone Project

Due at the end of Week 7 of the course, the Capstone Project is a composite of the assignments produced for the course Weeks 1 through 6 Module Reports and ends with two summary pages describing the student’s top 3 specialty areas of interest at the time of the project submission and identified action steps needed for continued researching of those areas, successful degree completion and post-graduation plans.This capstone work is a compilation of evidence of your learning. You must summarize your information from the past six weeks, not cut and paste from your earlier submitted reports.  Your focus should be on how all of this information impacts YOUR interests and plans for your academic future and your final submission should be approximately 12-15 pages.
Required books:Kuther, T. L. and Morgan, R. D. (2012). Careers in Psychology:  Opportunities in a changing world (4rd Ed.).  Cengage Publishing.
Capstone Project Grading Rubric
Topic Coverage
Required topics are covered thoroughly in each assignment submission.
Demonstration of Learning
Submission demonstrates a strong working knowledge of material incorporated.
Organization, Format and Mechanics
Primary ideas, facts and insights are presented in a clear and easy to understand manner. First person “I” and second person “you” pronoun usage only occurs in sections of the work requiring it and all other portions are written in an objective manner. Writing is well organized and easy to follow. Assignment submission is in APA format, double-spaced with 1-inch top, bottom, left and right margins, and in Arial or Times New Roman styles, size 11 – 12 font, includes a cover page and all sources writing is based on or inspired by are correctly cited in body of the work and in a references list attached to the end.
Spelling and Grammar
Submission contains few to no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
Total: 160