Describe how your learning of the two leadership tools, SCARF and NVC, can help you become the leader you want to be

Recall the INFJ, the MBTI profile and write a short description of who you are as a leader. Use your knowledge as of now—so, do not copy any earlier statements. Prepare a new description and note a

Recall  the INFJ, the MBTI profile and write a short description of who you are as a leader. Use your knowledge as of now—so, do not copy any earlier statements. Prepare a new description and note any changes or developments.
Describe how your learning of the two leadership tools, SCARF and NVC, can help you become the leader you want to be. Write a minimum of 500 words.
Assignment check list:

  1. Did I allocate at least 1.5-2 hours to reflect upon and research the topic?
  2. Did I look at my work critically? Do I know now which parts are great and which parts might be improved?
  3. Does my text reflect the thoughtfulness that is being asked? Did I prepare the first and the second drafts? This means another hour or two—depending on your skills and speed. This also means: did I practice self-correction that is done by more reflection, re-reading and asking for help, if needed? Did I do that? How long did it take me?
  4. Did I make sure that what I wrote is original and there is no copying and pasting involved?
  5. Did I check my text for clarity and proper English?
  6. Did I describe how the SCARF and NVC tools can help me become the leader I want to be? This doesn’t mean describing the tools—as all participants, as well as your professor, are very familiar with them, but rather, saying how you would use them in your own life. So, what this means is: did I answer the “how”, rather than the “what” question?
  7. Did I write at least 500 words? Am I proud of all of these words?
  8. cite references in APA format