Role of Animals in Research

Role of Animals in ResearchAnimals often play crucial roles in research, particularly to test ideas pertaining to behavioral or pharmacological studies. Considering these roles, complete the following

Role of Animals in Research
Animals often play crucial roles in research, particularly to test ideas pertaining to behavioral or pharmacological studies. Considering these roles, complete the following tasks:

  • Using the internet, find three journal articles involving animal research and utilizing multivariate analyses. Critically evaluate the methods used and the results obtained for each.
  • Using the internet, find three journal articles advocating for and three journal articles in opposition of the use of animals in research. Summarize each of them.
  • Based on your view, discuss if the use of animals in research is ethical. Provide reasoning for your view. Use the articles you found to support your view and to discuss the opposing point of view.
  • Design a research study using animals in an ethical manner. Include a literature review with at least eight sources, and describe each step of the scientific method. Include the following in your design:
    • Discuss the types of statistical analysis you would use.
    • Explain why these tests are the best choices given your proposed research focus. Use at least two sources from the South University Online Library to support your reasoning.

Using APA format, cite any sources you use appropriately throughout the paper and reference on a separate page.
 Submission Details

  • Cite all sources in APA format